On 2017-06-06 15:11:02 saintjj said:
True....BUT...Try telling this bra that he is showing off...LOL
On 2017-06-06 13:40:11 Se_kaas said:
- The pretend "I am a gentleman" guys
- Jammergat Jannies with their tales of woe
- Serious Jammergat Jannies looking for love with a WG
- Mr obsessive Psycho
- Mr Saviour of all WGs
On 2017-06-07 01:20:31 Mike40 said:
On 2017-06-06 13:40:11 Se_kaas said:
- The pretend "I am a gentleman" guys
- Jammergat Jannies with their tales of woe
- Serious Jammergat Jannies looking for love with a WG
- Mr obsessive Psycho
- Mr Saviour of all WGs
Hahaha very good, and actually very true.
On 2017-06-07 00:11:08 Kitty said:
I had an incident once where a man tried to pay me with a microwavable meal and another time the guy asked if he must pay every time 'cause we just having fun'.