On 2017-08-17 21:03:49 Gita @ Sense-unique said:
Ah guys.. Thank you for all your support and compliments.. As you know I have great regard and affection for you all.. Lol.. Ye.. I know my parking can be challenging but that's why I walk with to ensure you leave without incident.... And that way I don't loose out on my goodbye hug..
Thank you again for all your kind words.
On 2017-08-17 20:28:51 Milo41 said:
My massage venue of choice is The Doll House. On-suite bathroom and showers. (Shower has good water pressure!) clean, soft towels. Steady and strong massage plinth! Parking is secure and it's got a realy high wall. And they've got Syren... (She's HOT)