[deleted] - Re: Space for improvement
Re: Space for improvement
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-28 08:53:13

(As a sidenote)...special training in the "No more bleeding" technique at SSS meetings.

I don't think you have to worry too much about this Amber. Not something that will happen everyday probably. Never happened to me before. And sounds like he will live to tell the tale.
[deleted] - Re: Space for improvement
Re: Space for improvement
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-06-28 08:55:29

So glad you said blood IN the condom and not anywhere else, sounds like a massive risk to me if the condom were to break. Customer service on the next level that you were concerned for his welfare and overlooked the potential risk.
naver - Re: Space for improvement
Re: Space for improvement
Basic Member
24 Aug 2007
Posts to Date: 470
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Posted: 2017-06-28 10:13:28

Not sure what the punters age is, but being over 40 and diabetic, I was having issues since I was not circumcised. The foreskin gets really tight and bleeds when it is pulled too far back when there is penetration. I had to get a circumsion. No issues. As long as a condom used.


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