On 2017-08-27 06:37:56 DaneJ said:
Have any other punters experienced this? I
On 2017-08-27 08:18:17 Wors13 said:
If a WG insists om me sending her a face pic of myself I will not book her. The pic that most WG'S want to see is of Nelson Mandela whose pic is prominent on the stsck of notes that I am handing over to her.
On 2017-08-27 08:34:28 GreyKnight said:
@DaneJ -- it has happened to me where a lady wanted face pics (amongst some other pics as well...lol!)
In my case the face pic thing was purely out of her being curious as to what I looked like. The booking was already set and we were just chatting via whatsapp in the lead up to it.
Maybe the lady you are referring to is looking forward to meeting you and is just curious as to what you look like? Maybe she does not mean anything bad by it. I don't know.
On 2017-08-27 08:18:17 Wors13 said:
The pic that most WG'S want to see is of Nelson Mandela whose pic is prominent on the stsck of notes that I am handing over to her.
On 2017-08-27 08:18:17 Wors13 said:
If a WG insists om me sending her a face pic of myself I will not book her. The pic that most WG'S want to see is of Nelson Mandela whose pic is prominent on the stsck of notes that I am handing over to her.
On 2017-08-27 08:14:15 Milika said:
On 2017-08-27 06:37:56 DaneJ said: Have any other punters experienced this? I
She was probably trying to make sure it wasn't her father making the booking..lol