Posted: 2017-09-16 13:08:11
About 3 years ago a created an account on Esa. At that time I want to believe that I was respected by the ladies and punters. I would pay ladies for their services and provide accurate reviews. About a year ago thinks change. At this stage though I was hocked. I am a self confessed sex adult. In terms of what happened about a year ago, lets just say access to money became difficult. Like any addict, I needed to get my fix. Its not that I can't afford it, cause I can. My behaviour, however is unacceptable, especially because it affected other people. It's not an excuse, but in terms of vouchers and reviews, there are always two sides to a story. Some ladies were more than happy to accept vouchers. I have seen some guys say, "if he has money for vouchers then he can pay". Thing is that I get the vouchers from work as a reward, so that's why I could use them.
Anyway this isn't about me, maybe some context will not make it acceptable, maybe just give an idea into where I am coming from.
To all the ladies I have affected negatively, my sincere apologies.