On 2017-10-26 09:24:25 Sibyl said:
What I love doing is to pretend I do not know who the person is. The expressions on their faces are priceless..lol...it bugs them to no end and eventually they cannot stand it no more and have to tell me their real identity. I off course continue to act stupid, just for the hell of it...lol
On 2017-10-26 09:24:25 Sibyl said:
What I love doing is to pretend I do not know who the person is. The expressions on their faces are priceless..lol...it bugs them to no end and eventually they cannot stand it no more and have to tell me their real identity. I off course continue to act stupid, just for the hell of it...lol
On 2017-10-26 16:51:02 Vegas said:
These celebs that the ladies are referring to are obviously very comfortable that a wg won't out them for a few thousand rands/dollars with one or two newspapers. It happens often in other countries like the US or UK. Newspapers pay good money for a good story especially if he is married. The bigger the fish the bigger the cheque. With all the sex scandals we now see in SA papers with even pastors being outed, it is a dangerous game for someone famous to be seeing wg's. Not all girls are as nice and discreet as the ESA ladies that have posted here. On the other hand I have seen how easy it is for professional sports stars and actors to pick up women so don't even understand why they would punt, it's way more risky and embarrasing than a one night stand in my view. Id rather be caught out for a one night stand then having to explain to my family and friends that I pay women for sex.