Posted: 2017-12-30 00:51:05
Edited: 2017-12-30 00:52:14
The year is now racing to it's inevitable end. I am still sitting working at this ungodly hour after swopping voicenotes with her. So good to hear her voice again.
I am beginning to dread 2018.
A lot of decisions that will have to be made that will move me out of my comfort zone into unknown territory. And I have no idea whether it will happen or not. The uncertainty a bitch called indecision.
The everlasting hordes of family that descend upon you like the plague thankfully now gone.
I was waiting for a non-existent call to arms as you might say, but no call forthcoming, so into the pits of pity of family and friends and their boring and repetitive stories of old to see me through the Old Year. Alcohol my only saviour as Bachus and me discuss the limits that I test to see how early I can float away and be done with the year called 2017.
Would much rather have been in Dullstroom.
But not to be.
Is that to be or not to be, to be there or not to be there. To be invited or not. To be an option or not. Choices, dilemmas, at my ripe ole age do I need this in my life ?
I am torn between the comfy life I lead and the impending implosion, financially as well as emotionally that can happen when choices are made.
What will this new year bring ?
Hopefully some form of comfort, for now, right now, I am torn. Longing, hunger, hungry, actually ravenous.
Goodbye 2017, hello 2018
Goodbye Sam, Hello Samantha....
The very best to all for 2018.