Rossia - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
4 Jun 2012
Posts to Date: 1482
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Posted: 2021-11-17 18:31:03

@786dadzn,we have had many chats on pm,for so many years .i would say over 3 years maybe? I do understand i come out as a difficult person,when it comes to pm,or phones,but i think you to afraid of me.once you meet me in person,you will regret all the times wasted when you never come to see me.and just by the way,i know you a cool guy:) you booked each and every friends i been with and you asked about me....wink wink habibi.
[deleted] - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-11-17 18:34:04

What a sexy flower. I LIKE!
I will have to do closer inspection...

BOOBS53 - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-11-17 18:40:26

On 2021-11-17 18:05:04 Rossia said:
@BOOBS53,thank you naughty one will be a cock in my mouth but hidding bet of face and please no cum on my hair or eye or nose,cum on my big tits yes:)

Hang in there, I am on my way ;)
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-17 18:44:54

On 2021-11-17 18:24:17 Rossia said:
@AnthonyEdwards,my love ,the most sweet man who once saved me from know what! With out ever meeting me,i adore you,loving you from a distance with out knowing who you are,i would only love to meet you one day.thank you for your kind words.

We have to change that. One day as soon as my crazy schedule clears, you will get a WA from me asking for your availability. We will arrange the booking and finally get to meet. I am looking forward to meeting you too.
Dstvoke - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
Gold Member
9 May 2017
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Posted: 2021-11-17 18:58:04

Rossia is so gorgeous, natural beauty and don't even need make up.
Rossia - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
4 Jun 2012
Posts to Date: 1483
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Posted: 2021-11-17 19:47:06

@BB,holed your cock hard now.kikiki....
@Dstvoke,thank you love for the compliment:) i have different looks for each of you everyone has diffrent tastes :)and you saw me in PE:)
@AnthonyEdwards,see you soon.bisous a tous....
Rossia - Re: Flower pic
Re: Flower pic
4 Jun 2012
Posts to Date: 1484
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Posted: 2021-11-17 20:13:05

@Slanghoek,cant wait for you to do closer inspection :)yay!!!!


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