[deleted] - Re: Unprofessional WGs!
Re: Unprofessional WGs!
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2021-10-08 15:07:47

On 2021-10-07 10:11:42 Miss Barbie Doll said:
But who wouldn't want to fuck Mzekezeke?

HAHAHAHHAA! I know right! Her loss.

Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Unprofessional WGs!
Re: Unprofessional WGs!
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2021-10-08 15:34:59

On 2021-10-08 15:07:47 Mzekezeke said:
On 2021-10-07 10:11:42

HAHAHAHHAA! I know right! Her loss.

My pussy and i are open to meet Mzekezeke hehehehe
nsasexguy - Re: Unprofessional WGs!
Re: Unprofessional WGs!
Basic Member
16 Jan 2013
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Posted: 2021-10-08 15:40:53

My experience, most issues arise from a lack of communication. So after having an awful experience and getting into a screaming match over the phone, with the SP, I decided to change things on my end. WhatsApp has been very good for this as well ... (now I never book a SP without WhatsApp)

My process:
- I always book a day in advance.
- On the day in question, first thing (before 08:00) - I confirm with the SP the time and any issues around logistics (traveling from X to Y so I may be XX minutes late or early).
- If no response, I call or indicate (via DM) I'll cancel if no response by xxx before agreed time) - generally 2 hours before so I can make other plans.
- Confirm before setting off again - ("on my way see you in xx minutes")
- Call/DM 10 minutes before - "10 minutes away, see you soon"

This works very well for me... everything done on my punting phone, from WhatsApp - so not easily traceable. If a lady is not on WhatsApp I just move along.
Flower - Re: Unprofessional WGs!
Re: Unprofessional WGs!
30 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-08 15:47:40

So sorry that such incident they happen every now and then. I'm not justifying what u are saying but my overall point is at times someone from far do the booking as usual and never pitch or delay or be later than the time agreed upon without notifications, so one double book themselves and that's when the problem occurs.

It's important to keep your hootie updated that u are 10/15 mins away or either if there's any changes, to make them aware aswell to avoid some disappointment


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