Vrik - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Gold Member
10 Feb 2019
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Posted: 2023-10-29 17:44:36

I am always perplexed in a grocery store when you pay by credit card, and it asks "straight or budget"? How de fck can you possibly consider paying off groceries!?
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-10-29 18:11:36
Edited: 2023-10-29 18:21:55

Hey JP69

I got to read your post only now.

How right you are!

A IS,a business after all!... and debtors are their game!

Stupid me. GRIN.

But then again I suppose I was,thinking more in the line of investment sort of products, etc etc. Should be promoted

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-10-29 18:14:26

On 2023-10-29 17:44:36 Vrik said:
I am always perplexed in a grocery store when you pay by credit card, and it asks "straight or budget"? How de fck can you possibly consider paying off groceries!?


Apologies on has shat it out bfr one has paid it.


Sad thing is though if a,credit card has to be used to buy food in the first place .

But I suppose many are living off plastic for many things considering the economy.

JackParrow69 - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Basic Member
3 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2023-10-29 19:55:48

On 2023-10-29 18:11:36 Russian Bridgitte said:
Hey JP69...

But then again I suppose I was,thinking more in the line of investment sort of products, etc etc. Should be promoted


That's chump change compared to lending. Far less people with money to invest. Those that have it probably have it because they have far better things to invest in making more. And likewise, the bank has to figure out how to make more than they're paying you in interest so a lot more difficult and less profitable.

Lending however, the worse off you are. The more they can charge you because "of your higher risk" and also your less options so the more they can make.

I get what you're saying but they're not in the business of improving society, they're in the business of making money, even at the cost of society.

[deleted] - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2023-10-29 20:20:00

On 2023-05-06 09:54:22 Russian Bridgitte said:
"Get a loan in seconds.

What u want when u want it..."

The most stupidest advert by a financial institution

With a picture of a young lady picking a pair of shoes.

One would imagine the incentive would be to save, be debt free as much as possible and work toward owning an asset or two after having established ones own little business or worked ones way up a corporate ladder having a strong educational background to proudly show off...why not!
An investment plan for the old days and growth of ones family.

But to ask for a loan for a pair of shoes????...even if one may have made it in life???

Guess the financial institution?


No wonder Africa is where it is.

That superficial lifestyle of fashion , fast cars and CREDIT.

No concept of value of money and what it can actually do for one ....the incentive to save.

To live from hand to mouth that right of entitlement and to point out, blaming anything and everybody for one's financial demise.

How wrong am I?


I 100% agree with you, that level of consumerism is bad. Just one sentence is incorrect "No wonder Africa is where it is." People on the continent have limited access to credit whereas in the US for example the average is 4 credit cards per person with $30k owed on each card on average. Many people are drowning in credit card and other debts. It's a hugely consumer driven market, must have everything now, much more than in "Africa". Anyway the point I'm trying to make is Africa's problems are a lot more complicated and has a lot more to do with poor governance and corruption (historical issues aside).
kingkk - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Gold Member
13 May 2023
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Posted: 2023-11-27 10:54:34

The advertisement worked minute it got our attention be it threw irritation,frustration. That was its first intention. Each and every one of us desire something sonner or later that we don't have and it's more a want than need. Itlle satisfy us only temporarily though
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-11-28 06:57:12

Yep JHB22

Capitalism and laissez-faire.

....and worldwide democracies hung by the balls....puppeteered .

That saying...while the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
Re: ...that loan for a pair of shoes???
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-11-28 07:09:42

On 2023-11-27 10:54:34 kingkk said:
The advertisement worked minute it got our attention be it threw irritation,frustration. That was its first intention. Each and every one of us desire something sonner or later that we don't have and it's more a want than need. Itlle satisfy us only temporarily though

Mass psychology

We want.
We want now.
Faster....Instant gratification.

This thing

Freud - The ego perceives a significant similarity with others in the group and identifies with them.

And those sitting at the top ..."they" know "us".

Yep. How right you are about adverts and how adverts , even if different products or competing brands, interlink ...same world where people have everything and look the same...."happily successful".



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