Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...that time of year again
...that time of year again
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-12-11 07:38:28

...This December

...a blank sheet to start the day

ideas new, to pave the way

the month December, connotation red

festivities and holidays, abundant it be said.

a new twist, a new turn, this holiday requires,

the mind a passionate serenity to find, desires,

the company sort be those like minded

in the acknowledgement of their sensual erotica be guided.

thus, the first thought of a spirit free,

unburdened of the past year, and able to see,

that around the corner a new year peeps

the best of this one, experiences for keeps.

so forward to, fiery, passionate and willing

in spirit and mind completely giving

to those who know to capture a moment

with a gentle kiss and a hug , of the sensual, a proponent.



Once remember.

Every year end, the journey travelled be so different, yet, the same.

Nuances of past experiences, each time the desire to learn something new, the desire to ensure the path travelled be more worthy than last years path.

Never a doubt as to the goal, for it always shines brightly ahead...the optimism of a future positive.

Rewarding in the new challenges it holds and knows to give.

Life knows its course for there is always a beginning and an end...what we do with a start and where we wish to take it, is ours to choose.

So, to the light to look ...welcome it with a zest for the new year be within arms reach and to speed into it with a zeal that can only know to be the goal.

...and some of the lessons learnt along the way...again...nuances of what i have always known

but, nice to remind does no harm.

"...i have learnt, that to be independent, able and capable

does not mean i am all knowing

and gives me no right to be arrogant.

i have learnt that people of character

know to be graceful and gracious in their daily living.

i have learnt that money does not define a person

and can be gone in one swoop....but, the person remains.

i have learnt that life is no different today to that of a hundred years ago

for mankind knows not to shed his essence.

i have learnt to be in lust does not mean love

and to be in love

is the best gift ever.

i have learnt that time does not stop for anybody and that those dear to my heart, day in and day out,

cherish me for who i am.

i have learnt that having patience and tolerance and listening,

even to the 'younglings' and elders can only enrich me.

i have learnt to hold my tongue, even when another may be wrong.

i have learnt that compassion and empathy know to drive me

and give me strength

and, that the rainbow is always there with its pot of gold.

i have learnt over and over and over again...there is nothing better than life...

i have learnt

i am a blessed individual.

and thus

i thank

whoever it may have been that created me and gave me life.

...Thank you Lord for my birth.



Addendum to remember for years to come..

New one.

This one...

...I keep on learning how much more there is to learn and that today is just tomorrow's beginning .....


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