Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ....that booking
....that booking
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-04-27 08:43:46
Edited: 2023-04-27 08:49:30

I sometimes wonder if a person spoils it for themselves by having preconceived ideas about how a session should go.

Meaning...when knocking on the ladies door, being influenced by the "subjective" experiences written by others.

Not giving it a fair chance of an open mind and a new experience.

Could one say then that the communication which would follow between Gent and lady, once he has decided to reach out to her, is paramount and would define what could be?

Or, does that play no role in the whole thing?

Is it as simple as I saw, I read, I fuck.


And thus the disappointment because what u saw, read and fucked was not like the comments left by , say...Mr Fuckilicious? ( a fictional pseudonym...grin)

To know to walk in with an open mind. Yes, a little colored by the fantasy of what one wants and has read .

But, to remember, YOU are part of that experience and how it plays out all depends on how much u are willing to give of urself, engage and surrender to the adventure u have chosen...remembering it ain't Mr Fuckilicious that is in the session with the lady of ur choice.

That adventure being urs to map and enjoy.

Ps. Just one little point of many that would make a difference when investing time and money in a sexilicious share?

BurningMan - Re: ....that booking
Re: ....that booking
Gold Member
17 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2023-04-28 15:57:53

Doing your homework on a profile only takes you so far....and depends on the risk i am willing to take, especially on a profile with few reviews or PG pics.

In short, yes i am trying to keep an open mind. Otherwise the session is easily ruined by unwarranted expectations.

Todayivisit - Re: ....that booking
Re: ....that booking
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1 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2023-04-28 16:59:30

I do some serious homework only to be left disappointed time and time again. I follow certain punters, but this also doesn't work out well. Anyway, all good I suppose. This is such a great hobby. The search continues.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ....that booking
Re: ....that booking
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-04-28 20:55:15


It is those unwarranted expectations I always think about.

I love writing. My world is bigger than the one we live in, defined by a crazy colourful and passionate imagination and the way I experience many a share with a Gent, I like to share as close to the experience as possible....having lost myself to that moment without reserve.

In doing that, it crossed my mind that many who have walked thru the door expected something in the same lines...especially as I write on my "cockworship thread" happen.

Firstly. Communication is paramount. What may happen with one is not guaranteed to happen with another .

Secondly. To surrender and go with the flow is paramount.

And thus I begun to ask more questions in the initial stages of my communication with a potential client to ensure any "unwarranted expectations" might be curbed.

RB's sessions do know to swing like a pendulum...from far left to far far left or right, depends on the company that comes share of self with me.

Happy punting i wish u and look fwd to hopefully having the pleasure of u in the near future!

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ....that booking
Re: ....that booking
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 6149
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Posted: 2023-04-28 21:30:22


That is exactly what interests me.

Why would that be?

May I ask how come this "hobby" has not yielded a little bit of something delicious and worthy of reminiscing over and lustily desiring to repeat?

Or did I misunderstood?



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