Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...too quick on the draw
...too quick on the draw
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-09-02 10:54:13

Just a read...

As usual, before embarking on the long drive back home from Durban, the pit stop made to check tyres , oil, water and whatever else required including "fucking forking" out nearly R1700 for diesel...grrrrr...and at that moment a young girl of about 21 approaches me, all smiles, looking a little apologetic

"Morning ma'am..."

I smiled most falsely and broadly, kept my impatience in check thinking i need another R700 foe toll roads, put my hand up as If to stop her and said, in what I hoped was a voice projecting care, most honeylike and apologetic

"Sorry, but I do no carry cash on me. I have nothing to give u."...which was true...the debit card on ready to pay.

She looked taken aback, her eyes a little wider and she said.

"Uuhhm...I actually wanted to try sell u some insurance." And walked away.

For whatever reason it struck me as being possibly true and I asked the petrol attendant if she did that all the time.

He said yes and I asked do people give her money. He said he does not know how she worked but he never saw people paying her for the insurance.


I felt horrid. I felt extremely extremely EXTREMELY HORRID.

There were 3 young ladies selling insurance and the other 2 helped me find her so I could apologize.

The young girl was in her car crying.

I did apologize and had to explain myself.

I knew it was what I said. I knew my apology would not take her pain away.

Scammers pretend to be beggars standing with their babies or professing they had just run out of petrol and had no money. Every stop wherever, has one being approached a minimum of 3 times being asked for help. It makes one dismissive and unable to just give give and give.

I could only hope she understood my presumptuous response as to her approaching me and that it had NOTHING to do with her.

U do hope she understands, I do hope she develops a thicker skin in the cut throat industry of sales, I do hope she finds a job more suitable for a soft demeanor that I sensed.

And my dilemma...I wish I had not been so quick on the draw and at least let her finish her sentence and then politely declined her offer.

Kylie @ Broadway
Kylie @ Broadway - Re: ...too quick on the draw
Re: ...too quick on the draw
7 Oct 2020
Posts to Date: 468
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Posted: 2022-09-02 11:28:51

Deep... and true...

This also opened my eyes ,so so many bad experiences creates some kind of defense system...

It doesn't mean that your reaction is coming from bad place or with any ill intentions.
After so much , we are just so conditioned to be ready for the worst!

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...too quick on the draw
Re: ...too quick on the draw
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 3993
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Posted: 2022-09-02 22:16:47

Hey Kylie

U are very right. One gets conditioned by that which is repetitive and becomes a norm.

The same principle applies when a lie is repeated over and over and takes on the guise of truth.

We living in shit times in SA....and I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the fine citizens of SA who have allowed themselves to be raped of their dignity and that promise of equality and freedom for all .



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