Massage By Yvonne
Massage By Yvonne - Re: Put off
Re: Put off
16 May 2013
Posts to Date: 644
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Posted: 2019-05-09 11:30:48

On 2019-05-09 10:52:59 daporra said:
Absolutely it affects my judgement because I don't only skrop her body, but I need to converse with her as well!

So if she has spewed kak on this platform, at least kak that doesn't work for me, then htf is a face to face going to work

Daps, you had me at "skrop her body and converse".
semensquirter - Re: Put off
Re: Put off
Gold Member
11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2019-05-09 11:44:20

Yes...for sure.
I had a "to do list"...SP's that I interacted with on the forum...Then came the thread on weed and smoking stuff.My list was "Archived" very quickly!
Massage By Yvonne
Massage By Yvonne - Re: Put off
Re: Put off
16 May 2013
Posts to Date: 645
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Posted: 2019-05-09 11:55:40

On 2019-05-09 11:44:20 semensquirter said:
Yes...for sure.
I had a "to do list"...SP's that I interacted with on the forum...Then came the thread on weed and smoking stuff.My list was "Archived" very quickly!

LOL....did not see that thread!
Duke_of_Hazard - Re: Put off
Re: Put off
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27 May 2014
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Posted: 2019-05-09 12:14:44


Terrible or barely legible spelling and sentence construction generally put me off.

Though mostly I have found and became interested in ladies that use the forum. To see how they talk, their wit and often services provided
[deleted] - Re: Put off
Re: Put off
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-05-09 14:10:52

On 2019-05-09 08:11:09 tony b bop said:
I am, in some ways, a horrible snob.

Now don't get me wrong, I won't laugh out loud at you if you try to tackle your fillet steak with a fish knife or sip your beer from a sherry glass. But I really can't stand overt displays of ignorance. (using my definition of ignorance of course) I will label such a person with the mark of my derision and am stuck in my ways from then on writing them off from then on. No come back no second chance.

I have also been put off by the belittling and berating of others on points of opinion. As the saying goes "opinions are like ass holes and some of them shitty." Just move on from the bad ones. You can no more change a racist, elitist, or misogynistic mind than you can encourage someone who does not believe a clean ass is a good thing to have.

Lastly without wanting to be a grammer nazi M8, IDK why some peeps are so busy dat dey don't av enough time to write a coherent bloody sentence! For the love of all that is sweet and holy stop doin dat!

Give this man a bells
[deleted] - Re: Put off
Re: Put off
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-05-09 14:13:30

Definitely yes.


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