On 2018-08-21 07:16:41 Vegas said:
No offence, but there are thousands of articles on the internet, that propose natural cures for any type of disease under the sun with testimonials of people who swear by it. It is therefore not a massive discovery if you can google a few munutes. I am not going to argue if any of these remedies work or not. My question to Jewel about how her sibbling is doing is to understand if she has personal success with this cure that she has come across before posting. Im not bashing the fact that she posted this, but what makes THIS internet claim stand out to her of all the millions of other claims out there that claim to cure anything under the sun. It is not unique to "discover" these types of articles. So has she or a sibbling been cured?
My sibling and their partner are scientists who don't believe in anything other than what has been proven by science. When I offered the information I was told "we are ok now thank you"
I feel people have to be in the right frame of mind to want to change their lives when it comes to these kinds of things.
The reason I posted this is because I read through several testimonials, there was even someone looking for help in s africa as they mentioned a s african product. These two women detailed their journey, from when they were infected to when the user went for their blood test and tested negative after receiving a positive result previously.
I cannot begin to understand what these individuals went through so will not judge or belittle their stories. If they achieved success, and are not selling their journeys for profit, but sharing it for anyone seeking help to also achieve success, I feel this is worthwhile sharing so others can also have the benefits.
If my sibling won't go through the process because of no longer having the symptoms, there's nothing I can do.
But why should the information not be shared so that maybe others can benefit if they so choose.
"Jessica" speaks about being 21 and starting and ending her journey with one goal...a negative test result. She achieved this and is living the life she deserves.
Why not give this opportunity to others IF they too want the same thing.
The information is there for anyone...I'm not forcing anyone to use it.
All I'm doing is presenting the information for those who believe these viruses are for life, because that's what western medicine says, and saying....IF you're prepared to do the work required, you too could be free from this.
It's not my place to judge the experiences of others as I'm not in their shoes.
I went looking to help a family member who I care deeply about, so I only looked for one thing, not cures for "everything under the sun" as you point out Vegas. I'm not aware of these cures for "everything under the sun"
Just to be clear, I've not had shingles, I don't know what it feels like but I'm sure it's not at all comfortable and if one was given a way to get rid of it for good, I'm sure those who've suffered with it would take the necessary steps so as to not go through that pain/discomfort (?) Again.
I'm not forcing anyone to do anything.
I'm merely saying here is some information that may be helpful to someone now or in future when I've left the industry and the country.
Stupidly! I always want to try to help others!