Posted: 2018-04-23 06:50:12
This makes me sound really cheap or poor, take your pick.
But its about price.
Profile looks good, reviews are great, so we get all excited and call.
Then the price, hmmmm we have to seriously have a think here, big head vs little head.
In these tough times, R700 or R800 or north is a whole lot of money.
at R500 I can take the chance but over that its just tooooo expensive so I have to pass.
I think this is how it has been for many of us punters of late.
And no to pay the R500 for 20 or 30 mins and feel like I am being rushed is not my idea of a great stress relief.
Just my 2c
Oh and yes add to that the extra petrol, toll and time it takes to get to the north of PTA and many of us simply say forget it.