Posted: 2017-11-25 06:50:05
Edited: 2017-11-25 06:51:43
I agree with the ladies. A lot of men who say they don"t like it are those who never tried it or mentally they have shut their minds and buttholes to the idea. If you"re into it ask your SP to try doing it to you. There"s only one way tp fond put if you like it or not.
Up until last week I had only done it with more mature mature I mean in years, sexual adventure/expertise, mentally.
I dunno how it happened but I did it to a late 20s, beach boy, fuck-everything-that-moves, absolutely-no-clue-about-sexual-pleasing, hy's-net-mooi kinda guy. That kinda guy who really doesn"t have yo tried too hard to get layed. He was squeamish at first, but HELL, did he enjpy it once he let go of his inhibitions.