On 2017-11-16 23:18:08 Arizona said:
Cyber Bullying at it's best!
Like they say "Boys never grow up. Their toys just get more expensive!"
Congrats to all those that hide behind their pseudynoms and computer screens.
I don't agree with you Arizona, I don't have an issue with Frankstar's preference for white women, if you read my original post I personally empathized with him for the situation he was in, but he had avenues to sort this out. Without being funny his actions here might be a very strong indicator as to how he handles that situation.
Status takes over where racism ends and sometimes the two are a very potent combination, while i felt sorry for him that he was being victimised I took offence to the fact that he felt because he had a certain status in life he would be exempt from racist bullying. Perhaps you forget about the farm worker that was put in a coffin or the little girl that was beaten up. Maybe he should go to America where he'd be shot for reaching for his wallet when stopped by the police and lets hear him say the same thing. I can understand if you don't see it that way, we all interpret things differently but to me that came through very clearly. Status is one of the primary reasons why this country is going downhill even more so than racism and if you read some of Steve Biko's work this is exactly the kind of behavior he was talking about.
If I met Frankstar in real life I would have called him out on it as well. Trust me I have had no qualms in pointing this out to people I know in the real world.