Posted: 2017-11-11 14:33:42
After reading a recent post about a complaint about which punters the WG should see.
I just don't understand this.
A WG makes a decision to see customers. How is it the business of anyone who that customers is. Just imagine if she had the same criteria in customers as she has in the men she will date. I would be sitting all alone on Friday afternoons at my venue of choice. Just me and my .
Just one more thing.
A question to the punters.
Say you get to a venue. You have a booking with a new stunning WG. She arrive to meet you. As you meet, a fellow punter arrives. She looks at him in a way that makes you believe that they have met before. Now the punter is someone that you don't approve of. Let's say he is short, overweight and ugly as sin. (Shit I'm describing myself here) Now remember she has seen him.
Do you leave the booking because of that man and your standards, or do you stay because her profile was worth your hard earned money.
Just wondering.