Posted: 2017-11-07 07:30:23
Sooo i see this ESA site does not have valid SSL certificates. Look at the adress bar, what you should see is a icon of a lock and https://, which illustrates a secure link between you and the site. This is the most rudimentary cyber security measure one would expect of a site of this nature.Open Facebook, you will see it there...
Such a vulnerability leaves the site and those who frequent it open to a very rudimentary 'man in the middle' cyber attack. This poses an obvious risk to the integrity of all information flowing between the users and the site...esp your credit card information. @ESA please remediate, it is really a cheap and quick problem to resolve...we dont want another Ashley Madison type breach.
I use an anonomous e-mail adress to subscribe here but if you leak my ctedit card details i am @#$% busted...the card i can always block etc but if it goes into a searchable online data base, the kind of whick emerged after the AM breach i will be confronted with some very tough conversations ;-) peace out