Posted: 2017-10-14 21:44:03
I have been actively visiting MGs for over 10 years now and have noticed what i think is a trend.
MGs start off in the industry providing service at "normal" rates, but the really really good ones seem to realise after a while that they are special and can charge what they are worth.
So rates move to 4x the usual rates and they move off these sites and set up their own sites. They take as many appointments as they wish by choice and charge whatever rate they feel. Business booms because they are that good and worth every cent.
The key criteria to note is that they are good at what they do. Would not advise this strategy for everyone.
Its kinda like thats the holy grail for an MG. To make your product so superior, that like can charge however way you want. You become your own industry. Clients convincing you to make time for them. Never really having to advertise.
Random thoughts.
FYI i pay the 4 x rate any day