Posted: 2017-09-08 19:50:07
To all the beautiful girls that advertise on this wonderful site and to all those loyal punters out there, I'd like raise a topic pertaining to something I had the misfortune of witnessing.
I worked a few nights at a hotel In Rivonia synonymous for working girls, of which caught my attention. I happened to notice a girl from ESA (once was a prodigy, now just desperate) that was working on the bottom floor. Not just working but living there. The part that had me going was not that she lived there but that she brought In her daughter to play the sympathy card for her while she preformed her Shannigans. I am no one to judge as we all have our skeletons in the closet. But would any of you, no matter the situation extort your child in order to gain pitty from management... Question is.
. would you do this to your child. I think social services should be contacted. My two cents....???...