reenaP - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
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5 Aug 2017
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Posted: 2017-09-07 23:40:48

On 2017-09-07 19:06:31 Ben Layden said:
Pardon my obtusity

I made you maaf bhai, for your obtusity.

Back to topic.
Dunno how the topic got derailed (I obviously missed some drama where someone insulted someone)

I fully agree that only your own views should be related even though it could cause a backlash. Just recently a WG tried to make kak for me, stating my review was false, alleging that I never booked her and that I booked and never pitched up. I could prove to her that I indeed visited and in a pm to her described the venue, the room and even personal details she told me while we were chilling after sex.

Another example was more than one WG raved about by Kick and forum polisieman Q and I thought they were WGs providing kak service from experience with them. Not everybody click with one another and one man's food is another one's poison holds true in this biz
Meg - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
13 Aug 2008
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Posted: 2017-09-08 08:20:15

On 2017-09-07 21:57:51 Doubleslappedass said:
I do not condone what was said but you may be over reacting a little bit, you sound much more hurt than the victim could ever be..

The "victim" could have life long issues over that one sentence. It's pathetic

Really the woman is selling her body on a website , open to all sorts of actual physical violence, violence of the body and physiological violence and you think a couple of words have sent her to life long therapy, are you mental?? Is there something wrong with you?? I am guessing any one in this business has a pretty thick skin..

Then you guessed wrong!

I've got a soft heart and take shit comments like that very seriously.
You don't know the ladies past or what happened in her life for her to make a choice in being a service provider.
I wear my scars with pride!
I'm not a victim but a survivor.
Mental abuse by there x lovers, people bringing them down in life.
Now that pissis me offffff like no ones business!
Who is perfect in life?
Come on!
We have feelings and respect for our clients.
Why degrade someone's look if that is all they have???? Do we say anything about our clients that walks in and out of our rooms!?
NO I don't!

If the girl didn't do her job and the booking went through the roof... blame her looks?
Or blame your performance?
Blame everyone except your ability to choose correctly.

MrShy I agree with you 200%.
Nothing cuts deeper then a sharp tongue
Meg - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
13 Aug 2008
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Posted: 2017-09-08 08:22:02

On 2017-09-07 23:01:22 Veronica Franco said:
On 2017-09-07 21:57:51 Doubleslappedass said: I do not condone what was said but you may be over reacting a little bit, you sound much more hurt than the victim could ever be..

The "victim" could have life long issues over that one sentence. It's pathetic

Really the woman is selling her body on a website , open to all sorts of actual physical violence, violence of the body and physiological violence and you think a couple of words have sent her to life long therapy, are you mental?? Is there something wrong with you?? I am guessing any one in this business has a pretty thick skin..

Yes, a thick skin comes with time and suffering through many indignities, but that does not mean we are not fragile or that we are impervious to verbal abuse. The Knocks that aid in the creation of that thick skin are also the very things that destroy us from the inside out! Yet again, another example of how little a great deal of men think of us! We are not human. We are mechanical animals to be used at their will because of our thick skins! Apparently we do not cry, bleed or hurt!

Couldn't say it any beta V!!!
Sibyl - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
6 Sep 2016
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Posted: 2017-09-08 09:29:44

I somehow missed the thread where an insult was made wrt to the lady's face. Very disgusting behavior, but I am not surprised by it at all.

This is the perfect playground for the cyber bully to use words to inflict pain and use it to feel good about himself and his insignificant little life. Cyber bullies generally have very low self esteem and publicly insulting a woman in this industry, makes them feel very powerful and important.

No matter how thick one's skin, words CAN indeed have a long term impact. Having said that imo no matter how much it hurts, if you use your pain to feed the cyber bully, then you give him power over you. It is far better to take away his imagined power, by showing him how insignificant he is in the greater scheme of your life.
GreyKnight - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
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10 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2017-09-08 09:46:28
Edited: 2017-09-08 10:08:24

The worst for me was how many punters jumped up in support of this guy. Even saying they support his comments 100%!

I have no problem with a "forum policeman" that warns punters against scammers etc. but hell man, do it in a civilised manner.

And then to justify yourself by saying you have Down Syndrome people in your family and thus you are allowed make such remarks!

That is the same as me saying I have a Gay sister (which I actually do) so I am going to go to Loftus one Saturday and find the biggest most conservative Boerseun I can. Then I am going to tell him he looks Gay to me. What do you think will happen?

I will be shitting out my own teeth for days after...
[deleted] - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-08 10:14:05
Edited: 2017-09-08 10:18:26

Definitely the punters experience but guidelines should be followed.

There is a decent way to convey experiences and if its bad you should stay with facts don't get personal and be prepared to motivate or confront the fans. If you allege anything be sure of it if you're unsure stay broadspectrum don't stipulate things that can be your perspective only after all Life is all about perspective , when the Titanic sank humanity was shocked and devastated but the lobsters in her kitchen thought it a miracle.
[deleted] - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-08 10:21:41

In my opinion it is not just Speedy and his followers that are cyber bullies. Anyone that have critique against another punters review is just as guilty.

Remember most if not all of you agreed, it is the punter's view that matters (good or bad), not the 100 followers of the SP.

GreyKnight - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Gold Member
10 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2017-09-08 10:29:12

@yewrev -- I agree fully with you but it is not always so Cut and Dry.

Sometimes one can see bullshit in a review, especially if you've known the SP for years. Those reviewers are also cyber bullies.

It is a competitive industry and I am of the opinion that there are SP's that have punter aliases as well. They will use those aliases to either boost themselves or to hurt the competition.

Just my 2c...

Ms Paige
Ms Paige - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
29 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2017-09-08 10:55:08

Reviews should come from personal experience with a lady... I have regulars who visits me every single month and review me after every visit not because I asked them or because I put a gun against their heads and force them to review me but because they want to share they experiences... and because it's their way to thank me for a great time...

Now all of the sudden "some people" have a problem with how many times a punter review a lady... even counting every review of every punter and saying that it's a marketing strategy and not a review...

My reviews are honest and ESA wouldn't let guys review a lady every month if it wasn't allowed. Stop counting the reviews but rather read what an awesome or bad experience they had... It should only be based on personal experience...
[deleted] - Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
Re: A Review: My view / experience or the community's
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-08 10:56:49


Do agree, if it is maliious by all means. People will always differ that is what we need to respect.

I might be happy with a bottle blond, the next guy want a real blond, and if he complains about it, who am I to tell him he is at fault. That is what I was refering to when I talked about respecting others views.

I am also againt malicious reviews.


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