On 2017-08-01 16:04:48 I never learn said:
"And you assume drugs or alcohol first??? "
"Like everyone else. We get sick. We get hungry. We get tired. We have bad days. Our family gets sick. Friends die. Etc etc etc"
That my darling is part of life. We all suffer that. It is common occurrence.
You cannot use that as an argument.
Drugs and alcohol are pervasive in this industry as a coping mechanism. At least 90 % in my personal opinion.
Having said that, I do sympathise with the situation that you and your ellow advertisers are in, but also accept that it is by choice, most of the times. If R 5,000-00 a month is not enough, then you need to work harder or cut costs. That is what we all do. The fact that I pay off my Porsche and my Rolex and my overseas holiday and my mansion wil not make me jump into hooking.
Cannot hide behind a facade of costs and then imply that the only job that will pay for it is hooking.
Sorry, that argument does not hold water.
On 2017-08-01 05:51:48 myword said:
More reason for us as punters. Treat the ladies with respect. If you can a gift no matter how small. Make them feel special. Because they are...its not easy to work in this world.
On 2017-08-01 17:30:05 I never learn said:
Life is not easy. The exact same strugggles that you have, everyone else have. They are not unique to this industry. I know lots of single mums that do just fine in the real world.
- did you know most girls in the industry have been sexually abused as a child? Have you had uncles rape you? Have you had your father finger you? Sure, it's happened to people out of the industry too and they revert to unsavoury ways to cope with it too...
"Just no one would pay for your body so it's not a viable option for you...."
Ouch, that hurt. I will have you know lady that I had some indecent proposals for the use of this majestic body of mine. Never converted that into rands and cents, but pretty sure I could have. Maybe, just maybe not quite as much as you...
Probably not as much as me. Are you sure the indecent proposal wasn't shoving a pineapple up your bum? Lol
"You have such distaste for the girls in the industry"
It has absolutely nothing to do with distaste, I am simply stating my opinions. Like them, don't like them, it is a point of discussion. You have absolutely no idea of my tastes and distastes, so to pontificate about it, well, I will not lose sleep over that.
And I won't lose sleep over you either ;)
But it is a fact that in your case it is a choice that you made to be here. If you are happy with that, then so be it. Just don't hide behind a facade that this is the ONLY way to survive.
So what choice should I single mom with only a matric do? In your expert opinion. Since you have not been in any unbearable situation with dependents on the line, your opinion comes from a place of ignorance.
I don't believe that. Choices.
Yes choices. A woman stays with a man who cheats on her so she doesn't have to tear a family apart. Doesn't make it any easier.
"A punter out of touch with reality"
Yes. Your ignorance must surely be bliss ;)
Cheers to you too. Despite you having a lacking of compassion, I still wish you all the best :)
And I did mention that I sympathise with you ladies. I am not the monster in the room that you make me out to be. We simply have different perspectives on this subject.
I can definitely see from these comments you are probably all wanderings hands and horrible remarks.
Freudian had a point and you are a shining example