On 2017-05-29 18:56:51 Se_kaas said:
Tricky. If the ladyboy was a girl to begin with even then dodgy. If it was a maadhir and you suck his dick then you is gay my bru. No judgement. Just dont beat yourself up in the closet.
On 2017-06-05 23:08:28 BikerBrian said:
You suppose an on/off switch regarding sexuality, where in reality it is more like a volume control.
On 2017-06-06 17:55:30 ramrom said:
I hate how the world has created these grey areas for sexes. Sometimes I feel the essence of what is to be born female with all their glory is overwhelmed by these new classifications.
In any case these guys are bi, and part of being bi is that you are gay. greygrey sucked cock and pretorialad fucked a woman with a dick. No judgement but unless it was a transgender person (who is naturally intersexed) you fucked a man pretending/wanting/transitioning to be a woman in the arse and that is a big difference.
They should call bi people hetromosexual or hometrosexual. If that is what floats your boat well and good. You fucked a man pretorialad if you enjoyed it who are we to tell you what you are.