[deleted] - Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-03-09 14:29:07


I would also like to know that....I think I have established that I not one of the active swinger with partner.
Amy Jay @ Massage Inc.
Amy Jay @ Massage Inc. - Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
2 Sep 2016
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Posted: 2017-03-09 14:34:13

I personally wouldn't but i do not think there is anything wrong with it as long as u both happy...we are all individuals and if u lucky enough to find a partner who loves the different parts of who i are celebrate that and have fun if i were u u and your partner should do what makes u both happy and live it out screw what others say...i respect your question as long as u and Your partner are happy JUST DO IT BABY XX
Toadie - Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
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5 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2017-03-09 22:56:12

People need to learn to separate love and sex. As long as you both are okay with the idea that its only a sexual experience, and you do it together, then go for it. And if you enjoyed it and want to continue - again, go for it.
Just one suggestion - ALWAYS do it together, and its best not to see your play mates on a social level other than to play.
le roux
le roux - Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
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14 Sep 2006
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Posted: 2017-03-10 07:56:02

It is wrong to impose your will, it is weird not to understand that she may not like the idea.

It is not wrong or weird if you both as consenting adults decide that it is something that you both want to try.

Keep in mind that as with all fantasies reality may not be as satisfying. I'm not being a miserable Mike here but it happens. Reality can also blow your mind and be better than anything you ever thought possible.

Communication, consent, compassion understanding and, that much overused but often under practiced word, love are the keys.

You may well be a weirdo, your chosen one may also be a strange one as well. If that's the case then take pride in your weirdness, enjoy your weird ways and think less about what other's may think is wrong. Rather concentrate on what expands, deepens and broadens your relationship and leave small minded opinions to others.
kameshang - Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
Re: Is it wrong or weird to...
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9 Sep 2011
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Posted: 2017-03-10 09:54:46

Only u and your chic have answers to that question. But prepare yourself by watching a movie on this know their was a demi more one that washer scary. It's best to be prepared both what your'lle wanna try. Goodluck and hope things work out the way u guys intended to.


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