Posted: 2012-06-05 14:01:52
Edited: 2012-06-05 14:21:13
@ SeanDivine
A very gracious offer to give members 50% off SEXPO tickets I'm certain many users will be happy to take you up on them.
I have a few reservations about statements you have made.
Firstly multiple ladies said the following that you called a staff get together and expressly forbid that any one in your employ advertise with ESA I'm very well aware that ladies fib but this information the exact information has come from as many as 10 different sources. That withstanding you don't have to advertise with us if you feel it adds no value. You as a business owner has every right to promote your business in the way you see fit.
Ladies who have left your employ have also alluded to the fact that you constantly brag about your contacts in the media and SARS and the police. Further they also noted you operate with some heavy whom you threaten people with. I did some digging myself and some of what I have been told is very accurate. I'm deeply offended that you haven't sent your heavy my way as I so enjoy these types.
Sean with all respect to you, you not some Bedforview crimelord because you had some contact with what you though was the underworld means very little. The ladies who leave your employ have every right to operate in whatever area they want and you have no right to try to play some silly you own the town game, because you certainly do not. Every one has the right to earn a living and you have no right to disrupt any ladies ability to work and provide for herself.
You noted Sally would not comply with certain requests, I cant talk for her but we have a have certain standards that we insist upon, further we go to grave lengths to accommodate our client in any way we can when it comes to special photograph requests.
I do recall you called to apologize I don't believe however it was in the lease bit sincere, I felt that as always Sean has a very developed sense of self preservation so Sean does what he needs to do to survive as we all do. The things you did to me on a personal level in my mind are unforgivable but did I do anything to harm you, no I did not. If roles where reversed I wonder what my fate would have been.
All the above withstanding, you had some complaints about various aspects of your business, it looks to me you doing all you can to address so good for you. Good client relations can only have a positive spin off for your business.
Kind regards