Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2016-04-04 22:06:18
Edited: 2016-04-04 22:09:10

You can pretty much gauge if people respect you.
They show their contempt for you when they dispense with the common civilities of daily life and resort to a coarse familiarity.

Veronica Franco
Veronica Franco - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
9 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2016-04-04 22:30:37
Edited: 2016-04-04 22:31:53

One should have common decency towards a stranger depending on their initial approach towards you.(treat others as you would like to be treated). Respect is earned. Something I would only expect from those close to me be it another WG or client in terms of the person they truly know me to be. As a wg/sp all I expect is common decency because I have the clarity of mind and knowledge to know I won't be respected by a man paying for a service or a competing sp.

On 2016-04-04 19:49:44 pieterd002 said:
Wow, my oh my, Miss Franco

Sarcasm in it's purest form. And some superiority complex also thrown in.(I call a spade a spade. I do have the the personality flaw of knee jerk reactions and in hindsight, it wasn't worth it but two pet peeves that bring it on are pretentiousness and being misunderstood due to a lack of....(whatever)

By the way, sarcasm is the lowest form of whit. (Should I be offended by that?

Sometimes it is better to say nothing if you don't have something constructive to say. Agreed! But cannot give reason as the crap might escalate again.

And before I am being attacked here, read my next post regarding respect. It is actually what this thread is about. So let's stay on point.


PS : Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Didn't see the closed door...

(I'm a whore, by no means an angel or ever professed to be. Indeed, I professed I may have been a fool for initially posting on this thread to begin with. Point taken and realized before your insinuation)
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-04-04 22:43:41

Sadly i disagree with u Veronica.....

I do not know u from a bar of soap....but have to Respect u.....with a capital "R".

U have a definite "me" in all u say....and i love it!!!

Damn!!!! U are dynamite. Intimidatingly scary...but dynamite.

[deleted] - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-04 22:52:45
Edited: 2016-04-04 23:09:40

Miss Franco

Thanks for the retort and I take note of it. You are clearly blessed with more intelligence than most, and for that I salute you. But then with more intelligence and wisdom should come the realization that not all is privy to your thought process.

In a recent thread I said that being stupid is difficult, actually not for the stupid person, who does not know that he/she is stupid, but for the people surrounding that stupid person that has at least one more brain cell. The stupid person will carry on regardless spewing forth his take on whatever, not realising that he/she is talking shit.

Thank you for the article on sarcasm in the workplace. If you consider this site part of the workplace then it is apt. I have learnt the saying that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit from my dear Mother, who is not only an intellectual giant, but also morally an absolute pillar. I was taught that it was inappropriate to use sarcasm as a way of belittling people.

Your article is interesting, and I will read up about it some more. Being in a place of work, I really cannot see that sarcasm can be constructive, but then again, I am not my Mother.

You are a whore by your own admission. To refer to you as such on an open forum is in my humble opinion not the correct way to put it, for as RB in her alter post of respect mentions that you should not be defined by your place of work.

I will however tell you that I RESPECT that fact that you are bold enough to voice your opinions, and if they are not to everybody's flavour, you still have the gutspah to put your point across.

I also RESPECT the fact that you are a great enough person to admit to being (ever so slightly) wrong in posting. It takes courage to own up to that.

So, in closing, Miss Franco, and not having met you, I do have respect for you.

I was also out of line to call you out on your comments, and as you can see from my posts, I am not quite in agreement with the frequent and I believe insincere use of the word respect on this site.

I bid you good night dear lady.


[deleted] - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-04 22:56:27
Edited: 2016-04-04 22:56:50


Don't type such small messages when I am writing essays.

So unlike you.

Where is that dagger to put into Pieter's back tonight ????


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-04-04 22:59:11

Pieter what doe they say...

Great minds think alike

Or more like....

Fools never differ?

Veronica Franco
Veronica Franco - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
9 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2016-04-04 23:02:27

Likewise RB. I might take a dig every now and then, but I respect that you actually get that I'm being an idiot and you reply eloquently, often with underlying innuendos that give me a chuckle and more often then not, shut me up! Its just how I am. I've offended clients like jonblogs and Toadie years ago, but once they understood me, we became good friends.

The only reason I would be intimidating or scary is if you have s weak ego or are unable to compete on whatever level! You RB, have no reason to fear me, in my opinion. Your interaction with me makes you a champ because most ladies run away crying from me like the playground bully when I'm really being a clown.

You sometimes remind me of EA.
[deleted] - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-04-04 23:03:24

Fools ?

One can be a fool in love ? No ?

But a fool in life ? Please not.

But then, no fool like an old fool ?

I like to think that we think alike, but that a healthy debate is sometimes necessary. I have felt that tiny prick of your dagger when you moved to your new thread. LOL.

Just love your reasoning.


Mujahid001 - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
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17 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2016-04-05 08:42:32

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence" quote from one of Ben bhai's heroes.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, as said by those incapable of its proper application and as such suffer from its sting"

But wag 'n biechie, what if 'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit' actually *meant* to be sarcastic?

milksucker - Re: respect required....
Re: respect required....
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18 Jun 2014
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Posted: 2016-04-16 07:36:21

I dont see a problem in asking if a girl does oral without. Respect isnt a toggle switch, its more of a potentiometer. If working girls want more respect they need to start shagging me without expecting money for it. Lets be realistic, the men here have a certain need, and we should know if you can fulfil that need before we come over and get disappointed.


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