On 2015-06-24 19:02:29 Leila B said:
Seems our country is a bunch of c*cksuckers :-o
What lovely clothes the emperor is NOT wearing ;-)
On 2016-04-14 21:03:55 Leila B (shemale Bollywood Bab said:
It's very important that we realise and accept the fact that most predjudice is the result of propoganda (programming). Most folks have no idea why they think the way they do. They hardly ever seem to question the irrationality of "their" beliefs.
Here is an interesting fact; there are much, much more misandrists (man-haters) amongst men than there are misogynists(woman-haters) amongst women.
Our (South)African mindset is considered primitive by the "more evolved" societies. The women of our population face HUGE levels of abuse, violence and discrimination on an ongoing basis. It is sadly "the norm" over here. That said, there now seems to be a rise of misandrist propoganda in these "more evolved" societies, as a backlash to misogyny. Misandry and misogyny are but two sides of the same sexist coin. Nowhere in human history have two wrongs ever equaled a right. This is yet another attempt by the puppetmasters at perpetuating the "US vs THEM" mindset, which serves to prevent most from seeing things as they truly are and then developing actual awareness i.e. THE ABILITY TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES.
It is my theory that the men who are always at pains to (unsolicitedly) declare that they are not sexually interested in anything but women, secretly have crushes on some of their buddies and the resultant conflict occupies most of their waking hours. Sad state of affairs. They also probably have some naughty/nasty dreams in which their BROMANCE is consummated. Sweet :-)
Here's a funny viddy explaining why homophobes are the way they are.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-diau1UxLc&nohtml5=False