Posted: 2015-12-05 09:46:28
Edited: 2015-12-05 09:55:11
Dear Meg
We actually had exactly what you are describing for quite a few years starting in 2007. Any advertiser could request gold membership and we gladly provided it. Everything was running fine for quite some time. After more than a year we started to notice anomalies in the login system. All of a sudden 1 girl started logging in from many different ISP's. It wasn't long before that started happening on the Gold Membership we provided to other advertisers.
On closer investigation we found that about 20% of advertisers started abusing the free gold membership we provided. It started in one area and then quickly spread like wildfire. Some ladies provided their free Gold Membership logins to their regulars, and we even caught one lady offering it outright to every first-time caller. "Come see me and I'll throw in a free ESA Gold Membership". We were not amused.
We had to rethink this whole strategy. The solution we came up with is to build a very specific system that is only useful to the advertiser herself. If you look at the current ESA Client Login system, you'll note that everything was very carefully designed to be of use to you, the advertiser, but nobody else. We on purpose designed a system that does not include all the gold member features, as this would remove the incentive for an advertiser to give out her login details. The moment we start adding all the gold member features, we're right back at square one.
You also said that you are part of our paying customer base. I can add to that and say that advertisers are the highest paying customers. Advertisers pay R 450 pm and the gold members R 110 per month. This however does not imply that the highest paying customer should get all features of the system. I can cite an example that we can all relate to: DSTV. The DSTV Premium customers do not automatically get access to the DSTV Indian Bouquet or the DSTV Portuguese Bouquet.
But I agree, that is still not a good enough reason. The R 450 advertisers pay gives them unbeatable value for money. If you compare the price you pay to newspapers, ESA is far, far cheaper. A news paper like The Star might reach 3 times more subscribers, but these subscribers include a large part of the population who have no interest in punting in any way shape or form. At ESA your advertising money is used to advertise to a community of people specifically interested in punting. Cent by cent, your advertising money will get more mileage here than what it would get at newspapers.
We, in all fairness, should charge advertisers 3 to 4 times more. The newspapers charge that amount for 5 text lines, ESA provides a personal service, a photographer that comes to your place, 6 photos, a full profile (that can be as long as you want it to be) and a way for you to interact with your client base. It's far superior to what you are receiving from the newspapers.
At these rock bottom prices of R 450pm (which could come under review soon), we would not be able to provide an extra advertiser freebie in the form of free Gold Membership.
I hope this explains the reasoning behind our policy.
Kind regards