Posted: 2015-11-16 21:38:07
Edited: 2015-11-16 21:46:11
Yep, body doubles, not quite Hollywood style, but a lot more disappointing.
If you as much as suspect this, then vote with your feet. Why do I say so? Women are generally very adept at grooming themselves to look their best and putting their best foot forward. Truly masterful "deception" takes a whole lot of time, trouble and toil (ask M2F or SM).
I say "generally" because there are some who simply dont bother. Some simply have youth and good genetics to their advantage. A few could wear a sackcloth and still be wildly attractive to the majority of men.
To encounter a girl that has chosen the easy route, like buying the simcard of a popular WG (whilst the latter goes on holiday) is a pretty dismal situation and you can just guess whether grooming is the only thing that she has neglected.
I really don't mean the "deception" in a bad way -- just didn't have a verb that wasn't as strong (Where is Bin Layden when you need him?). Most men want to be deceived in any case, but want it to be believable -- after all, what are fantasies for?