Posted: 2015-09-10 09:37:11
I don’t see how we as punters can be judged for being married. At least not for any significant period of time.
Basing a business, whatever it may be, around a group of people that you find immoral, deceitful and general beneath what you consider to be right and proper would be a terrible thing.
No one with that attitude towards their customers would stay in business very long.
We can be judged in our behaviour when we are with a WG or how we talk about ourselves on a case by case individual basis and a WG can base a decision on that.
But I do not see how a WG could have a generally judgmental attitude towards punters without it becoming obvious, so she would never get more than one punt per punter. Business would die. Alternatively she would get so demoralised with hat she is doing that she would have to stop.