muffdiver - Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Basic Member
13 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

What fuels homophobia?
The desire to discriminate against gays and lesbians, and thus to reserve special privileges to heterosexuals, appears to have many causes. Some are:

Inability or unwillingness to change the information received during childhood.
Fear of people who are different.
Promotion of homophobia by a religious group.
A heterosexual's natural feeling of repulsion at the thought of engaging in same-sex activity. Realizing that homosexual behavior is unnatural for them, some people generalize this feeling into the belief that homosexuality is wrong for everyone.
Actual homosexual feelings that a person cannot acknowledge or handle.
Low self esteem leading to a need to hate other group(s).

Which of these applies to you. I suspect:
Actual homosexual feelings that a person cannot acknowledge or handle.
Low self esteem leading to a need to hate other group(s).

You know I' right:)
muffdiver - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Basic Member
13 May 2002
Posts to Date: 65
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

I' should read I'm

Having a lower educational and social status, for example the lower a person's level of educational attainment and social class the more negative their attitudes are towards homosexuality.
[deleted] - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

My fear is that if at the firts opportunity any of you faggots get you will try pull a sneeky and slip you cock into my ass - and the last thing I want is having any of your rotten pricks anywhere near my ass.
Besides lets face it homosexuality is unnatural – We are all have natural urges and desires for the opposite sex – this is natural and nature’s way to ensure survival. So either nature or nurture has f.u.c.ked up. If nature f.u.c.ked up and gave you the wrong mixture of hormones and genes and all your wiring is wrongthen your disability is the same as any other except it isn’t as pronounced.
If nurture fucked up – either you mommy molested you or kept on beating you up that you developed a “hate” or dislike for woman then you got issues that being a homo is the only way for you to cope with life and this can be classed as a mental disability.
So either way you are FUBAR (F.u.c.k.ed Up Beyond All Repair) physical or mentally. And we know it’s not you fault Nothing you could have done about it. We all just need to accept it. Have you ever asked yourself why you are homo, why the idea of a cock in your mouth is more appealing that a wet juicy pussy.
If the world was full of homo’s and lickers the human species would become extinct. No one would be procreating. That broad generalization is evident enough that it’s unnatural.
But you are right we need to live in a society of acceptance and tolerance – Lets face it, it’s not your fault that nature or you up brining made you who you are. There nothing you can do about it and thank god there are others like you so that you can fulfill you urges with other unfortunate souls like yourself while the rest of us can get on with what comes naturally – good wholesome heterosexual sex.
muffdiver - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Basic Member
13 May 2002
Posts to Date: 65
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

I've obviously touched a nerve here.

You have my sympathy
Jeff - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
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16 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:35

Cocksucker you think you are so cleaver and intellegent witty and smart - The problem with such arogance is that you are two blind to see how much of a fool you have been played. I suggest you go read all the posts sent to you again and do so carefully - to me it would apear that one person is posing as many and jurking you, playing you like a puppet for his own amusement.
Jeff - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Basic Member
16 May 2002
Posts to Date: 4
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:36

Nope I Meant jerking.

PCRepareman - I guess it's only a half a count
[deleted] - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:36

You could be right.

Please explain "jurking". Is it a variation on 'jerking' or something more sinister?

Let's hope the MUFF has left the country.
[deleted] - Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Re: Message for OhKak, PCRepairman et al
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:36

Does it count as a comment if I say I'm not even gonna comment on this?


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