Wingman - Morbid topic
Morbid topic
Basic Member
1 Oct 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:00

Hi everyone, Over the lasy few evenings I have found myself pondering something which we (I suppose the term would be 'escort users') tend to ignore or not mention. I have used the services of quite a few escorts (most of which are on this website), I have always played 'safe' and considered myslef to be ok.
Some of the concerning thoughts that have been going through my mind however are:

1. We are always told that condoms 'help' prevent the spread of HIV, and not that condoms PREVENT the spread of aids.
If condoms are indeed not 100% safe then does the law of averages not dictate that it is only a matter of time before one gets affected?

2. I know that girls operating out of brothels are (allegidly) tested regularly, however what about the girls who operate out of 'houses'. Most of them are just free lance and pay the owner a fee for the use of the place.

3. What if one of these girls did her regular test and came out positive, what forces her to stop practicing her trade. I would imagine that it would be very difficult to go from earning the kind of money these girls do to going back to working for a boss in a bank somewhere for a crappy salary.
Do these girls realy care about the men that see them, and more so about their families?

4. How many guys who use these services regularly, have gone for an HIV test in the last say six months. I know I havent, and am too scared to do so!

5. Does esa require that these girls make some sort of disclosure before being listed or do they possibly require that the girls go for an up front test - possibly even a routine test?

Sorry for the downer guys, but these are things that have been on my mind lately, and as you can imagine not exactly something I should discuss with the wife!


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