Chmok - Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
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19 Jun 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:00

SLB, you forgot some indication of dating of the photo's displayed as Maga suggests, especially of worth when being archived, but for the rest your list sums it up. Regarding your Lbb, some memory could be set apart on this site, for you to store perpetual info on.
Bloggs, surely you noticed the UNmoderated nature of the future comments? Let's see how you fare with a current thread. For some (?) reason you seem determined to up the financial stakes here for everyone, in doing so failing to realize this is, after all, a South African. Ergo the Rand rules, and a good climate has its price ;-)
ramjet - Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
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25 Jun 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:01

search by area will be excellent
johan200 - Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:01

take a leaf from Although a very small site, they are setting the trend, with clickable slideshows, as well as experimenting with video clips of the girls!!
johan200 - Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:01

I don't know how old the following website is: but it looks like a highschool project. a real mess, and on top of it there is a bit of cut and paste from ESA format.

Or maybe is is Sally experimenting with the upgrade? LMFAO!!!!!!
Barry Bloggs
Barry Bloggs - Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
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2 Mar 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:01

Why not up the quality Chmok, that is pay for it! Look at ST where comments are only for paid up members and are of a better quality than the general low nature of the crap that appears here!
ESA support
ESA support - Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Re: Wish List Site Upgrade
Gold Member
6 May 2007
Posts to Date: 14
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:01

Thanks for all the impute we shall endeavor to include as much as we can.


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