poorkenny - Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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31 Aug 2010
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Posted: 2011-02-13 06:11:39
Edited: 2011-02-13 07:13:30

There comes a time when every man must realize that something is never going to be any better than the way it is now, that there is no greener grass on the other side of the fence and they have in fact found not only the pot of gold but they have the entire rainbow. Ladies and gentlemen excuse me whilst I wax lyrically about the week that was, the week that for the first time in the 6 months I have been in this wonderful country I actually visited not one but two working girls I had seen before and let me tell you it was fanfuckingtastic. I will confine my review to that latter of the duo of deviously delectable darlings Shakira (this time with her 'other' doubles partner Kate)

Now the collected ensemble of palm pounding Peters have little time for this lady and are evening willing to dispute the term lady, something Shakira does also but she's a darling girl to me and the fact that she so quickly and skillfully winds you boys up is just a part of the attraction. But lets get down to the business at hand, the review.

A normally shitty Friday was vastly improved by a SMS from The Wallow, now for those who came in late, I'm an Aussie working in South Africa and I don't speak or understand Afrikaans, however the SMS was the first text I've got not in english that I pretty much understood and a quick phone call confirmed the details and the choices. They were even nice enough to allow me to come on Saturday as there was no way I can get out of the office early on a Friday. But now was the dilemma, who to choose with the wonderful Kate, girl I wanted to see for a while, and would Shakira forgive me for seeing someone else, so I did what any sensible person would I put the job of choosing back on Shakira and she offered up a couple of choices but neither were available at the time I wanted so Shakira won out and I'm glad I made the choice.

When I arrived who was there to great me but that pocket rocket of sexual energy but Shakira Wearing a wonderful little dress that made me want to have my way wither right on the driveway. Kate soon joined her and what a contrast, she is much taller, great to have a kiss without bending over, but as I was to discover even more devious in the bedroom. Once in the room Shakira disappeared to organize us drinks and Kate decided we should start without her, so by the time Shakira returned we were already naked on the bed exploring each others bodies. What followed for the next hour involved a lot of condom and partner swapping a variety of positions and Poor Kenny being absolutely drained by these 2 Energizer bunnies of the bedroom. I was exhausted so much so they thought it necessary to assist me showering at the end of our session.

Venue 9/10 (next time I'd like to try out the pool)
Girls 10/10 I don't know if I'll find better for a double
Value 10/10 You guys are so lucky
PPP 10.5

The PPP (or Pissed off Peter Points) is a logarithmic scale similar to that used to indicate the severity of earthquakes. PPP is a measure the relative crudity of the language used during the encounter and the raunchiness of the positions tried. Missionary with the lights off and nothing said ranks 0, your average porn movie is about a 6-7.
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2011-02-13 23:13:49

I must do justice to the merit of this review - which I read with a high relish.
Nomadsoul - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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1 Nov 2010
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Posted: 2011-02-13 23:23:05
Edited: 2011-05-14 15:56:51

Post removed
poorkenny - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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31 Aug 2010
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Posted: 2011-02-14 02:41:01

Thank you gentlemen, I think we all have a fair idea of the mechanics of the sport we engage in so those details are best left to the imagination of the reader. In my mind a review should concentrate on the things that matter ie was the hour an our or five minutes, the quality of the venue and would I return and whilst I will never reach the literary heights set by Mr Layden one can but try.
saintjj - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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15 Nov 2010
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Posted: 2011-02-14 09:24:35
Edited: 2011-02-14 09:25:18

Great Review!..

just couldn't hold back a 'cheeky grin' at this extract!!
'great to have a kiss without bending over'LOL...

the emphasis being on 'Bending Over'!!
SexyShakira - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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2 Dec 2010
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Posted: 2011-02-24 06:15:00

That's a great idea..try it out....
SexyShakira - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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2 Dec 2010
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Posted: 2011-03-06 15:43:18

Well..well Poorkenny if I'm not mistaken you're returning back to SA in the week..right? If not....make a plan man! xxxxxxxxxxxx
PeterPan - Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
Re: Shakira & Kate (Don't read this Peter)
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20 May 2003
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Posted: 2011-03-14 12:05:37

Dear PoorKenny

Despite your polite request for me not to read this thread, I read the review and must compliment you with a great review.

I admit I am lacking a bit on the PPP rating, but promise my lack of experience in this area will receive the appropriate attention.


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