Posted: 2024-05-18 15:31:52
Oh my J_J...
Guilt. (Humour me pls....)
Is it possible to recognize the service provided by a prostitute no different from your urologist or geanocologist? ...psychologist?
A specialized space where intimacy that one is even shy to share with the one where the vow
"Till death do us part , for better or worse..." one cannot enjoy with?
...or is one not able to think further than the porn one watches, defining this "safe zone" as nothing more than porn?...making one feel guilty for that is the go to in ones headspace? Kinks and fetishes being defined as deviant behaviour?
The label prostitute derogatory because society be scared and fears the true essence of sensual / sexual intimacy making it a dirty thing and it's sole / soul purpose to procreate?...should one enjoy then, hells doors to open and swallow one for eternity?
The power of sex maybe ain't as powerful as society gives credit but, rather...weakness of character may turn a gentleman into a homewrecker leading to alienation and divorce and she , the reason for that, doesn't have to be a prostitute to turn him away from his home.
And thus...even though there be no university degrees or diplomas...THIS space is no less specialized and professional in its own right and therefore, just like any other service delivered, rightfully charged .
Neither condoning nor judging and never have I felt guilty in giving my all to the Gentleman that walks through my door for my purpose is not to steal him from his wife or partner but, rather, be his getaway from whatever he needs relief from.
...and when he leaves the hope is that he feels lighter and more in love with his life and not walks away feeling ridden with guilt.
Addendum...above a tiny bit of so much more that can be added, argued and even proven to be wrong?