[deleted] - Re: The rights of a punter
Re: The rights of a punter
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-11 09:36:55
Edited: 2022-02-11 10:14:23

On 2022-02-11 08:27:23 Ms Ella said:
On another between the kisses and cums, nibbles, sweating, there even time to talk about what other girls or apartments look like???

How much time do you guys have. Curious

I dont even have enough to be with the SP I have booked we have to cut the massage to play so we can fit in a shower and reverse out before next guy.
The gossip happens when guys book unnecessarilyy long ass sessions so end up with nothing else to do but sit with the lady and do nothing (viagra has limits!).

What actually typically happens in a 2hr+ booking
Kooni - Re: The rights of a punter
Re: The rights of a punter
Gold Member
18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-11 11:53:32

On 2022-02-11 08:27:23 Ms Ella said:
On another between the kisses and cums, nibbles, sweating, there even time to talk about what other girls or apartments look like???

How much time do you guys have. Curious

How long is a string,

With some an hour feels like it will never end, with you, it feels if time fly.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: The rights of a punter
Re: The rights of a punter
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-11 12:58:12

Someone once said....

*I am not offensive , you are offended*

This came to mind when reading this whole thread.

Reality is guys say things often, mostly not by naming someone but by general comments.

Reality is some girls have enough tact and savvy not to repeat what is said, others don't.

Reality is some walk on eggshells so as not to offend others, others don't walk on eggshells, and will voice their opinions regardless of who might be offended.

Reality some do not realize that what they say or write or do might be viewed in a certain light. That might not reflect well on them.

Reality is no matter what you say or do, there will always be someone who takes offence to what you say or do.

Reality is there ain't many girls in this industry that can honestly say no client ever said something or asked or hinted at something that they should not have. We all encounter those clients one time or the other.

How we respond and process and hold or share that information afterwards will differ from lady to lady.

I agree this post could have been worded without the mention of anyone saying anything. Without trying to use that comments as a booster for oneself.

The whole point of her post got lost by everyone focusing on the mention of what others said.. which is sad.

Because I think there is very few ladies that actually offer guys a chance to turn around without making it a big thing if they aih happy or comfortable with her or the space.

Ms Le Roux
Ms Le Roux - Re: The rights of a punter
Re: The rights of a punter
1 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-11 13:05:51

On 2022-02-11 08:02:59 modnarmodnar said:

Gretchen - Re: The rights of a punter
Re: The rights of a punter
3 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-12 11:03:53

#Miss. Red, you are SPOT ON. I was rather shocked at the rude replies on this thread. My intention was/is to find out what the opinion of the PUNTERS are on the subject. Thus far, IN conclusion it would appear that some WG are clockwatchers and clearly don't make time to talk to the client. Ja, let's leave it at that.


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