Dadon1 - Re: Dating a WG
Re: Dating a WG
Basic Member
3 Nov 2017
Posts to Date: 52
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Posted: 2022-01-24 04:32:04

OK my 2 cents on this. Dating a WG is not a good idea because both WG and Punters have skewed expectations. Firstly, Understand the mentality of WGs,alot are in this for monetary reasons. Due to having partners that can't provide, having low finances themselves or need to money to go through educating themselves.
First group get the money to support their families. She will not date you seriously because they have existing families and birds of a feather flock together.
Next group now get money and it gets to their head a bit, they believe they are "boss bitches" and they want to impress all their friends to know they have "made it" but they are living fake lives and it all comes crashing down at some point. You going to date them means you must maintain this lifestyle but again you are from different tracks, and more likely she is attracted to people in the same social strata as her. These are the ones that after punting they get pregnant then reactivate profiles but never are as "famous" then slip.
Last group use being a WG as a stepping stone to something else and don't want to be reminded of that past. Unfortunately you are part of that past too. You being in her life is too close for comfort.
As a punter, enjoy the fantasy make her a friend but always play the game according to your rules.
If you must date a WG let her chase you (which is rare for women).
But there are so many civilians and semi pros out there from waitresses, to cashiers to office workers that it's better to have relationships with than WGs in my opinion.
Dudelove85 - Re: Dating a WG
Re: Dating a WG
Basic Member
24 Mar 2020
Posts to Date: 6
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Posted: 2022-01-24 09:12:36

On 2022-01-23 19:49:16 Greyfox said:
It can't work. Plain and simple.

Agree 100% here. I have fallen for a wg before but it just won't work. She is apparently happily married but I can tell it's definitely not the case.
[deleted] - Re: Dating a WG
Re: Dating a WG
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2022-01-24 09:16:50

It's a dangerous & slippery slope this one.
Why do I say that ?

Even when she leaves the industry and wants to move on completely from it, you will still be seen as a punter to her - even though you don't see her as a lady who was in the industry.

But your life goes on
Like a broken down carousel
Where somebody left the music on.


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