AnthonyEdwards - Preparation for a punt
Preparation for a punt
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-02 21:10:18

I am curious to know if other follow the same or similar pattern planning for a punt.

1, Message the lady, get her rates and services. If she fits, then make the booking.

2, An hour or two before, do a coffee scrub, jump in the shower, clean every nook and cranny. Put on your best outfit and make sure you are smelling good.

3, message the lady to tell her you are on your way. Assuming you are on a punting phone. When you are on the road, share your Waze trip with the lady so that she can guage your arrival

4, when you arrive you are told to wait or come back later. How long are you prepared to wait before you decide to cancel?
[deleted] - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-02 21:23:24

You just threw point 4 in there like wtf...

Fuck that, I ain't waiting. Especially after all that effort. That's why I make sure that there are at least two other WG's in the same area or nearby that I'm interested in. I will go visit them instead.

Maybe I will give 15 - 30 minutes depending on variables like how badly I want her in particular and the rest of my plans for the day and so on. It all depends.

AnthonyEdwards - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-02 21:34:18

On 2021-11-02 21:23:24 SuperFuck said:
You just threw point 4 in there like wtf...

Fuck that, I ain't waiting. Especially after all that effort. That's why I make sure that there are at least two other WG's in the same area or nearby that I'm interested in. I will go visit them instead.

Maybe I will give 15 - 30 minutes depending on variables like how badly I want her in particular and the rest of my plans for the day and so on. It all depends.

Lol, it happens. Happened to me quite a few times, sometimes having to wait for 30 mins before I decide to move to the lady next in line.

The point I'm trying to make is that you share your location and arrival time with them. Does this not give them an indication of when you will be there. If they need extra time to communicate and let you know they are running late
Kimmylee - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
14 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-11-02 21:41:26

On 2021-11-02 21:10:18 AnthonyEdwards said:
I am curious to know if other follow the same or similar pattern planning for a punt.

2, .........clean every nook and cranny.

Makes the 2 of us.

But no judgement here...*handsup*
semensquirter - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-02 21:51:36
Edited: 2021-11-02 21:53:23

1. I always call the lady, a few days prior, and get a feel for how she converses.
If the vibe is good...then I plan for the actual booking.

2. Nothing different to my usual clean up routine.
I am always ready to "engage", anytime anywhere...hehee

3. I'll Text/WhatsApp on the morning of the booking, and call when I am on the way.

4. Well it hasn't happened to me for a while,
However I always have a regular that is a phone call away, if I do get stood up....
or is it stood down...LOL
[deleted] - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-02 22:23:17
Edited: 2021-11-02 22:57:38

* Plead for my sins to be forgiven.

* Maintain a positive outlook.

* Budget.

* Eat healthy.

* Exercise.

* Think about women as often as possible.

* Admire women in everyday life and women everywhere and lust for them.

* Browse ESA as often as possible in search of temptation. Often times there are new advertisers and other times previous advertisers return. I need to know who all is out there. Participate on the forum to spot whatever I might have missed (collaboration).

* Make a list of all WG's that caught my eye in relation to my taste.

* Determine when I would be free and for how long.

* Call all the WG's on the list not only to test their telephone etiquette but to pay attention to their voices and accents in case it might be a turn off or on, to gauge their patience, to get their rates and most times their addresses too.

* Double check when I would be free and for how long.

* Call the WG that I've decided to visit to set up the appointment while using a confident and reassuring tone of voice so that it is clear to her that I am going to honor the booking signaling to her that she is compelled to honor it too. Get her address if it wasn't confirmed earlier.

* Bath (relax, unwind and enjoy the bath).

* Shave (with the grain or sometimes against).

* Cloth (mostly sporty because it's comfortable for me. Other times smart casual and then there are times when I give into formal. Formal turns the WG on much faster and better.

* Run around the car to ensure that there is nothing faulty.

* Text the WG to let her know that I'm on my way.

* Start the car and cruise to the destination.

* While cruising as the music pumps eliminate any other thoughts other than pussy.

* While cruising plan how the session will mostly likely unfold.

* Make a pit stop and buy a Monster Engergy Drink, the green one with all the good ingredients. Admire my surroundings but in a none retarded attention to the birds chirping. Greet strangers who make eye contact. Live in the moment.

* Toss a R5 coin into a the hands of someone who needs it before they even think of asking and when it lands in their hand jump for joy and say yes you caught it...Jackpot!!!

* Maybe pop in at McD to surprise the WG with a McFlurry or something like that.

* Text the WG to let her know that I am nearby.

* Arrive a few minutes before the time.

* Call her when I'm by the gate.

* Embrace her when she opens the door.

* Fuck her like no other has or ever will in a way that she enjoys it as much as I.

* Plead for my sins to be forgiven.

* Maintain a positive outlook.

* Live in the moment.

* Review the WG.

* Boast about the WG.

* Send her a random/anonymous text one day long after to thank her for the wonderful memories and bestow blessings upon her and good wishes.

[deleted] - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-02 22:53:36
Edited: 2021-11-02 22:56:34

tedk - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
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9 Aug 2013
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Posted: 2021-11-03 08:39:01

Will not wait at all. It is simple. When I made the appointment all was OK. Messaged her I am on my way, still OK, therefore she cannot be busy. Arrive there, please wait! Like hell ...
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-03 11:30:32
Edited: 2021-11-03 11:31:33

I must say I was super impressed by one amazing lady in preparation for a punt. We had a chat over whatsapp. She was so professional.

We planned the outfit she would wear for the appointment together. Sharing pics with each other of options of shoes, lingerie, gown, what she would wear when she greeted me at my car, etc.

Every detail was worked out beforehand with a very long whatsapp discussion, which most ladies don't do. I even offered to get her a pedi and mani.

Note that this was a slightly higher rate punt than I usually go for. But from the start, her etiquette, the tone of her communication, all said to me this lady knows what she is doing.

I messaged her when I left home after taking a shower. I share my trip with her from Waze via whatsapp while I was on my way. The trip took around 45mins to an hour.

En route while I was close she messaged me that she would be delayed for 15 mins, and that there was a shopping center at x location nearby.

I said no problem, I decided to go into the shopping center and decided to get a few things for home. I spot this absolutely gorgeous bombshell of a lady in the chemistish place.

Legs in heels that were so sexy, they went on forever. I could not help but perve and drool. Making my expectation for my punt even higher.

I get a message from her that if I am at the shopping centre would I mind giving her a lift. She needed to pick up some supplies. It was no hassle for me, since I was already there.

As it turns out the lady I had been perving over was the lady I was booking. I was like a kid in a candy store. I could not believe my eyes.

She said this was a one off, most ladies don't do this, she thought she would try something different to spice things up.

Thank you Ma'am. I had the best experience of my life.

Sorry, I just realized I posted in the wrong thread
J_69 - Re: Preparation for a punt
Re: Preparation for a punt
Basic Member
11 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-03 12:12:58

Prep 101: ensure you give the same "meeting details" to your colleagues and da wife


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