johnyafrica - ...I am not romanticising.
...I am not romanticising.
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17 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2022-10-07 08:54:38

I am posting on behalf of Russian Bridgitte - because of the new rules, this was under advertiser promotions, but it's more relevant for this section. Hopefully ESA finds a way to allow SPs to start threads, and ban those who promote themselves in the wrong section (and hopefully I won't get censored for posting this).

On 2022-10-06 10:45:21 Russian Bridgitte said:
And since a SP cannot post in General section, thus this post is here.

In 2016, before my leaving of Esa, I had a wonderful lunch with a Punter off this site. . I am sure he will be reading this. I have a feeling he is still active if not punting, observing and ...posting too?

We got to speaking about the challenges facing SP's. At that time we spoke about the failing economy, how hard times were and the impact it would have on the Adult space....especially the SP's.

Who would have imagined all that still had to come.

It had not even been a year that I had been in the sensual space, having joined mid 2015.

Mine was an entry into the world of fuckery due to my stupidity of wanting to make my money work for me, instead of I work for my money any longer, the near loss of all I had worked hard for and earned, needing to generate good income real quick.

I studied this space. I had no idea what it entailed . I knew , like any space one works in, competition would be stiff.

I am that sort trying very hard not to jump from the frying pan into the fire.

I thought I had educated myself enough when it came to these "things" and 4 months later put my advert up....hesitant , concerned and feeling foolish not willingly admitting desperate to save all I had.

So...with every factual real reason as to what I suggested , would not work, when it came to setting up some sort of infrastructure to help SP's when in need, I rebutted my lunch companions statements as to why it could.

I had to learn very quickly I knew nothing about the fuckery space and that my romanticism of how one could put a system in place to help SP's when in need, was foolish and full of loopholes and would never have worked....THEN.

Coming from a formal professional background, procedures and policies are a given.
Pensions, medical aid... just to name 2 are not strange phenomena and when one "grows" up in an environment where value of money is taught, frugal spend, saving and....going without when a given , it is difficult to imagine they are not a given in the space of one of the oldest "professions" of all time.

There was a reason I had to have that lunch.

There is a reason now in 2022 I look back at my naive 2016 RB and realise me, the so-called pragmatic romantic, was so off target and had no f#cking clue how off I was.

This is a special place, the Adult World, not accepted or taken seriously or legally recognised BUT, it does not mean procedures and policies cannot be put in place to create a formal system to assist SP's in real trouble.

If ever there was a time one should bring a community together to work toward standing in for each is the time.

All good things take careful planning snd consideration and, I know for a fact, highly qualified professionals are to be found looking in, that could become part of a powerful organized NP organization solely to assist SP's .

I am not leaning toward safe homes or dealing with tragic cases of rape etc.

I am leaning toward financial assistance and betterment...a platform where one can be vetted for financial assistance, jobs , education and the like.

Many may not lean toward needing such a space and then...many might.

And....looking at the high level of cash flow restraint, why not assist in placing a vetted SP in a space she can build a long term sustainable future for herself in a different way?

I truly truly truly hope this will be considered as a point worthy of thought and application and hope I shall be part of that team and be included in researching applying and working toward that 'turnkey' solution that IS achievable.

Am I romanticising again ...? I don't think so.

There are many real Knights in shining armour and Maidens with much to offer that I know could make this a reality.

Baby steps are good but, they need to be made and, why not?


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-10-07 09:10:28
Edited: 2022-10-07 09:13:28

Dearest johnyafrica

I thank u for being of the same opinion as I am believing good shall come of this!

I look fwd to some traction and the working toward bringing excellent advise, participation and the realization of that which does not have to be a fanciful daydream.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-10-07 21:39:22
Edited: 2022-10-07 21:39:57

Thus far....

One day and the response could not have been better!

I do hope this is the start of something real good.

Today we spoke about being money savy.
The compounded effect of savings and its benefit in the longterm.

The it worth helping a SP out ?

To address the hesitancy as to why it can work no matter the preconceived a definite requirement.

Turning pessimists into optimists is the greatest task at hand at present.

It is not easy but, no good thing ever came easy.

Vision can be shared and buy in can happen.

Next week holds some discussions.

Thank u Gentlemen.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-10-09 10:51:33
Edited: 2022-10-09 10:52:27

As mentioned, I am looking fwd to connecting with the few Gents that have reached out with their messaging.

I do know I shall hear much pessimism as well as optimism in what could be done.

I believe the latter outweighs the former, otherwise I would have no foreseeable meetings in the pipeline!

I do want to thank all who believe in the humanness of this space, acknowledge the real life challenges of those in this industry with its specificity and are prepared to give it a listen as to what could be done.

We all know it is not a recognized space in society but, who says I do not pay my taxes?...who says I have not been approved for a bond or HP on a car?...who says I do not have references for landlords and the like...and...who says that I am the only one in this space that is not in the same boat?

This preconceived idea, this push to paint SP's as desperate uneducated druggies with no self worth or morals is the reason the excellent majority are getting nowhere.

Every work space has its bad apples and the incentive is there for those who want to excel or plan a change.

Why should it any different for a SP? change that belief.

Fuckery ain't any finer if the SP is of top shelf....nor is it less passionate and kinky.

I hope many more will come on board and look fwd to many developments of the best sort.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-10-09 11:08:09


* ....fuckery ain't any LESS finer....


Quite a huge mistake in the original post...wink!

Thank u for correcting me Mr.....

2old2 - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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18 Feb 2017
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Posted: 2022-10-09 11:42:05

One option is to find a trustworthy financial advisor that is either a punter or non-judgemental.

Work with him/her to build a portfolio suited for WGs that can allow ladies to start planning for their futures.
Coyote - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
26 Aug 2020
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Posted: 2022-10-09 12:22:05

@Russian Bridget & 2old2. i love you guys. this has been on my mind for a while just ddnt know how to put it across. there are a lot os Sps who are hungry for growth,I included, not only in this industry but in the life outside of this life but just do not know what to do or how to do it, where to start, how to save, or if you have managed to save, what to do with your savings. such thread mayb may be even be an eye opener to an someone who has been in the comfort zone thinking this is the life.

"This preconceived idea, this push to paint SP's as desperate uneducated druggies with no self worth or morals is the reason the excellent majority are getting nowhere.

Every work space has its bad apples and the incentive is there for those who want to excel or plan a change.

Why should it any different for a SP? change that belief.

Fuckery ain't any finer if the SP is of top shelf....nor is it less passionate and kinky."

you couldnt have said it any better.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-10-09 22:26:08

On 2022-10-09 11:42:05 2old2 said:
One option is to find a trustworthy financial advisor that is either a punter or non-judgemental.

Work with him/her to build a portfolio suited for WGs that can allow ladies to start planning for their futures.

Most definitely the success of any venture is in the people that make the "team".

Thank u for the input and that is definitely part of "some" that would be part of the "whole"...of what I had in mind.


Without hopefully sounding condescending ...I few steps back have to be taken in order for SP's wanting to, understanding why and how, and grasping that empowering herself is easier than maybe thought...should be addressed when it comes to individualised financial portfolios being created suitable to an SP.

Even more so...this offer would be for those who are in a stronger , more stable financial position with consistent earnings and ability to put money aside.

While others may not be there, it does not mean it is impossible and one cannot work toward it.

What I am leaning toward is helping those SP's that need that nudge, lead, assistance, encouragement to get to a point of good and consistent earnings.

A vetted network of education, opportunities, assistance, services and a central financial "bank" to assist those SP's in cases of emergency.

I can imagine what many may be thinking...u have a right to ur thoughts.


I still believe it can be done..

Visionaries are required who are not deterred by the many milestones .


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-10-09 22:48:50

On 2022-10-09 12:22:05 Coyote said:
@Russian Bridget & 2old2. i love you guys. this has been on my mind for a while just ddnt know how to put it across. there are a lot os Sps who are hungry for growth,I included, not only in this industry but in the life outside of this life but just do not know what to do or how to do it, where to start, how to save, or if you have managed to save, what to do with your savings. such thread mayb may be even be an eye opener to an someone who has been in the comfort zone thinking this is the life.

"This preconceived idea, this push to paint SP's as desperate uneducated druggies with no self worth or morals is the reason the excellent majority are getting nowhere.

Every work space has its bad apples and the incentive is there for those who want to excel or plan a change.

Why should it any different for a SP? change that belief.

Fuckery ain't any finer if the SP is of top shelf....nor is it less passionate and kinky."

you couldnt have said it any better.

I am ever so grateful for your post coyote.


The exposure to an environment of information flow be it in the financial field when it comes savings, investments and the like

Other spaces

Empowers any person and opens up the horizon and possibilities of what could be.

All of a sudden one starts finding a new self worth and stronger belief and a courage that one can do whatever one pleases if one puts ones mind to it.

One starts becoming a critical thinker.

As they say...Rome was not built in a day.

Working toward that change is worth a try.

BUT...knowing the first thing that needs to be understood.

If there is no reason as to why...then one should not even try.

Foolish daydreams have never gotten anybody prepared to be the best u know u are and u will be amazed at the results.

Surrounding oneself with those u can learn from is never a bad thing.

U are the company u keep.

....what an achievement it would be to work toward creating that network.

Cunilinkiss - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Gold Member
16 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-10-09 22:59:15
Edited: 2022-10-09 23:00:26

Many moons ago on request I made an xls sheet for an sp to help her project income/m by playing with price and anticipated traffic.
Nothing complex, just adding and subtracting things like room fees, consumables etc. A starting point for budgeting
Must stress it's not rocket science but she said she found it very useful.
If this entry level kind of thing could be useful to you, let me know and we chat on how to adjust it to your needs.
To get most from it basic xls skills helps.

@RB hope this is not too elementary for your plans. Maybe a case of baby steps


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