On 2024-05-12 14:16:41 Miss Red ( Aka Louise ) said:
I had a pre booked appointment for friday afternoon he booked early in the week already through pm and confirmed with a whatsap call.
He did not pitch. A call from me went unanswered,the whatsaps has not been delivered and the pm is still unread.
Dont for the life of me understand why i decided to not ask for a deposit when the appointment was made but it is what it is.
I got lucky and managed to get hold of someone that I had to decline earlier because time slot he wanted would have overlaped with this pre booked slot. As a result my time ended up not being a total loss between the 20% deposit and the "replacement" i managed to accomodate on short notice, i made the same money as i would have if he did pitch.
Still would like to here from him just to understand what happened and to know he is okay.
Two weekends ago had a prebooked and 20% deposited appointment that did not happen due to client having a hangover;) He forfeited that deposit as he did not let me know until I got hold of him and by then it was too late to try and fill that slot.
Last week he booked again and deposited the full session fee by own choice. This time he pitched up on saturday only to be hungover again ;), he opted for a different service instead of the service he booked. I offered partial refund, he declined as he understood that time was blocked out for him and i could not fill the slot then.
At the end of the day we win some and we loose some. And aslong as we keep our mindsets positive no matter what happens we will end up being just fine. ;)
On 2024-05-12 16:01:50 Russian Bridgitte said:
I think this is an awesome thread and might give punters a slight insight into the business of SP 's and how they go about managing many a challenge to their right to earn without being accused of being a scammer , disrespected and played for a fool or thought of as nothing more than a desperate junkie who knows nothing about anything .
There are scammers on both sides of the fence and of late it seems punters are beginning to outnumber the SP's with their disrespect, scammi g and scheming or understanding the ripple effect of their blaze attitude when it comes to not honoring their side of an "agreement ".
Deposits are good and have place in the scheme of things in the land of fuckery....and thank you to those gents who understand when it is asked for, why it is asked for and make no fuss to secure that appointment .
Not all SP's are scammers as not all punters are disrespectful of a woman in the business of intimacies agreed upon and shared between the two.
On 2024-05-15 00:05:32 The_Unicorn_Chaser said:
At some point both sides have been burned when it comes to deposits, or the change in mindset around them.
While I understand why some ladies request deposits, I won't go through on a booking that is adamant it's a deal breaker. I will accept and understand the SP's right to request it, and then politely decline and exercise my free right to not book. No hard feelings whatsoever.
My latest example from just the other day....
I book with a provider who I have been to before a few months ago. (No deposit required for the previous booking). Make the new booking a week in advance and say I'll communicate closer to the time to make sure her schedule doesn't change, which I do. On the morning of the booking I get a request for deposit first. I explain that I've already drawn the money, but also that I'm not happy with deposits and I'll understand if she'd prefer to cancel. She jokes and says no it's fine but bring a 6-pack of something.
So, I arrive on time, 3 grand in hand, and she's not even there. I text and get ignored for half an hour. She finally texts back and says she's 5 minutes away I must go buy tequila. Another half hour and she's still not there. Well, I wait a bit longer and then at an hour and a half after our set time I text that I really need to leave.
Well, 2 hours after I get frantic voice notes saying she's there, shortly followed by all kinds of abuse and threats of wanting a cancellation fee. Yeah that's not going to happen. And I won't return...
I'm always on time for bookings and respectful, and will happily pay the booking fee in full if the day ever comes that I don't make it. But there will be no deposit, regardless of payment method etc.
That's why nowadays I do more shorter notice bookings. Less deposit requests.