Posted: 2006-10-31 22:50:20
Hey Carlblake
Thanks for keeping my favorite girls, name out of this discussion. (Allthough, andybody that reads my threats will by now know who she is.)
You are right in context in which I am using the word lady when I refer to my favorite working girl, is as aposing to gentleman. (Where lady can refer to woman as well in the mordern sense of the word.)
I am not referring to the girl as a lady in a moral way. Let me discuss that later.
Firstly the girl that we are discussing is allways acting in a ladylike manner and with grace and intelegence. Secondly she is allways clean (showers a zilion times and offers the shower to me afterwards, before she uses it herself), she uses perfume (Organza) and allways smells nice.
Thirdly she has a bubbly personality and is allways friendly and never seems to be in it just for the money. Maybe she is giving a masterly GFE, but then that is what I am expecting from her. There is never the hard edge to her words and actions...
Fourthly she puts trust in me and I trust her not to misuse whatever I discuss with her and to remain totally discreet. (She is my confidant)
Fithly, it isn't only Andre who has intelectual discussions, with a working girl.
Sixly: She gives more than just stunning sex. She is kind. At times she is my shrink and allways has the ability to briten my day and to give excellent advice as to relationships.
Seventhly: She has a life of her own and that's why she is not available for sleepovers and weekends. (I am not going to discuss this furter, out of respect for the trust which she puts in me when she discusses her personal life.)
Now lets get to the Moral issue. Yes she is a working girl, earning a living as working girl allthough she has talent to have been something else and had a carreer as something else. She is probably one of better earning working girls and one of the more bussier working girls and is one of the popular working girls and obviously she screws a lot of guys daily but this doen't matter to me.
She allways makes time to fit me in even if I had not made a apointment with her and boy is she busy. (What's more and this does not belong to this discussion she makes time to talk with me, after we had sex in three different positions. So yes, she is great in my book. She is absolutely stunnig and enjoys sex.)
In ancient times there were temple prostitutes, providing a needed function to society. It is only in the resent times that working girls has been shunned by society out of christian etics, where the holier than thou person judge as if he or she is God him or herself.
Now how do a person regard a normal young girl, who has maritial retalionts out of wedlock or several such liasions. A working girl retains her dignity at the least by geting paid for what she does.
Now, Carlblake if you and I are not gentlemen as well for all the reasons to which I have made my favorite working girl a lady, (for we visit prostitutes and admit it openly) then what do you call the clients of a working girl?
In summary there is more to beeing a lady or gentleman than moral values.