R2D3 - Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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21 Nov 2010
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Posted: 2013-04-19 22:19:43

I think its time to give up this lifestyle.

Just got back from my latest whoring escapade. Yet again I shamelessly paid for sex. I drove into yet another congested driveway...bumped into a punter as i walked in. Walked through a gaggle of whores. Met the lady I had booked, I want to call her a lady but she was a whore and I was a punter. She greeted me with the same superficial gestures she does all her clients. I sensed no interest on her part in me, I was just another customer - a John. From her vacant detached look I could already sense that I was in for a fake mechanical "service". She took hers off, I took mine off. I fondled her breasts, got a semi...conflicting thoughts running through my head - the Whoremonger in me wanted to lose himself to his passions, the higher man in me detesting the crassness of the whole event. A little bit of meaningless mindless chit-chat then she slipped one on and sucked me until I got harder. I was in the mood for some hard rough sex...nothing she wasn't used to. Went through the motions using her to masturbate myself...I may as well have jacked myself off at home. I never really got into it and wondered whether I should nut or not. After much deliberation, I decided to nut and the lady obliged to my request to nut on her body, and I did. Job done. I then took a shower and paid for the services rendered. Then came the dreaded walk of shame and not without bumping into another punter on my way out.

Is this what has become of my and when did it go so wrong??
Arizona69 - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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Posted: 2013-04-19 22:32:38
Edited: 2013-04-19 22:34:21

R2d3 I am speechless as I am writing the final chapter on my book. It sound's all to familiar!

Thinking of u!


roadchefs - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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14 Jun 2006
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Posted: 2013-04-19 23:32:30

I get what you are saying , however what drives us to do the same thing over and over again ? Addiction ? As I get older, bad experiences lead to longer breaks between visits.So maybe it is testerone depletion !
BaieNice - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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13 Jan 2013
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Posted: 2013-04-19 23:54:50

I wanted to book Justine from Centurion this evening, only to find that I'm short a R100 and on my ATM limit for the day... Well, I came online now since its nearly 12pm so would be able to draw some more money soon, but, funny, your txt sounded exactly like the thoughts that ran through my mind moments after I relized I dont have enough cash for the Centurion booking (Is this really what I'm going to be doing for many years to come, sex that comes from someone you care about and cares back is just so much better).

Fuck this... Thanx man, I'm going to have a quick wank then bed, you saved me some money. (I'l do a forum search with your name next time I feel horny, or even lonely, might stop me
[deleted] - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2013-04-20 01:10:33

R2D2, I feel you on this. I started punting in 2007. I was 26 and a virgin. I was in a relationship, but had lied about my sexual knowledge. I wanted to get it right, instead got hooked. Every time I punted I felt ashamed, guilty and left wondering if it was worth it. In most cases not. I'm also tired of being sold the fake experience. Of giving in, and of feeling lonelier after a punt than before one.
Rodeo - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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3 May 2011
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Posted: 2013-04-20 05:55:45

I feel your pain R2D2.

I have had the same feelings on several occasions. You feel like crap during a punt and walk out feeling worse after wasting time and money.
This like anything else in life it has its highs and lows. There are times I walk out feeling like a king.

If it fails to provide those moments of awesomeness or if those moments are too few and far between then maybe its time to stop.

People grow and change and the high that it once provided may be lost and you need to look for a new hobby.

blacktoe - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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18 Nov 2010
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Posted: 2013-04-20 06:36:38
Edited: 2013-04-20 06:41:07

Been having the same thoughts of late.

We punt for various reasons. In truth the practice serves as a salve for common psychological afflictions, such as an unfulfilled craving for sex or romance.

Others, meanwhile, paint a dimmer portrait believing they are driven by chauvinistic motives, such as a desire to dominate and control women.

Also the cost to benefit ratio is usually below par as expectations are oftenly not met. And if you research, its just a few wags who work alone and provide that top notch privacy and service.

However when you start having feelings of guilt after a punt, its a sign telling you that you need to take a break or change your life style and recharge your batteries.

Or if you are lucky, you can partake in that final punt with a wag that will give proper pse,, hehehe and bow out in style.

Just a thought!
SweetScorpio - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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23 Mar 2011
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Posted: 2013-04-20 07:15:48

Great post R2D3.

I think the reasons for punting change with time.

YOUR reason has simply changed and you may not get the same mental satisfaction you used to get.

Try asking yourself what it is you seek...

Good luck mate.
WHITEWHITE - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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9 Mar 2013
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Posted: 2013-04-20 08:59:31
Edited: 2013-04-20 09:37:11

R2D3, well said!! I think this is going to be quite a popular thread, giving each of us punters a reason for introspection and a bit of soul searching! Some of the Wigs may not be too happy, as I am sure that a lot of guys may pocket there money for a few days, weeks... a month... following their self analysis, but they WILL return to the game again in the near future! "Once a punter always a punter"... I've read that statement a number of times in this forum. And its the truth!! That eternal question... Why do we do this? Its an addiction, an escape from the mundane... (or until it becomes mundane in itself) that never ending quest for another fix, a hotter more accommodating girl, a longer more sensual session, a tighter pussy, a more intense orgasm! But you hit the nail on the head R2D3... punting is crass, its coarse and its insensitive. The girls are pieces of meat whom we hunt, analyze and discuss as if they are mere objects... and simply exist as a reason for us to ejaculate between their sweaty thighs. But, on the other side of the coin, to them we are mere open wallets from which they will try to extract as much money as possible, and then get rid of us as quick as possible to make space for the arrival of the next open wallet!! (And never try to convince yourself otherwise... no matter how many cute little sms's they send you, how tender and gentle they act or how convincing their faked orgasms may sound... they are ONLY in it for the money!) Yes it is crass, it is insensitive, it is robotic and it is emotionless! Yet we are slaves to it and we (YOU) WILL return... next time we feel that all too familiar stirring between our legs. (I would LOVE to hear a few Wigs comments on this topic, but, I suspect, they will remain stoically silent)

My introspection is over... so roll on Monday... I have a hot dusky little number lined up for about 730pm... and I CANNOT wait!
hammer101 - Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
Re: Diary of a conflicted Whoremonger
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9 Sep 2012
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Posted: 2013-04-20 09:16:15

if you guys are all local, what about us getting together once a week or so to try and deal with this obsession and keep each other true?


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