@XR, great idea for a thread.
I believe that type-5 best describes my motivation for being here.
I believe that the need for human connection represents the single greatest driver of all behaviors - both healthy and unhealthy.
It is both the cause and (hopefully) effect of every human endeavor. We may not always be aware this - sometimes we are only conscious of the superficial motivation, such as pleasure, hunger, business or social success etc, or the slightly deeper drivers of fear or greed. But at the root of it all, is our fundamental desire, and dare I say requirement of human connection.
A very interesting view on this is presented by Johann Hari in his TED Talk entitled "The opposite of addiction is connection", see link below. His basic hypothesis and concepts in the talk relate primarily to addiction but, I believe, apply equally well to every aspect of our lives.
So, I would encourage y'all to consider this theory the next time you are having a "2AM meeting with yourself because you cannot sleep. "
Or not!