On 2017-06-11 09:37:52 jonnys said:
Chase88, sorry to read of your predicament.
re the money and the R600, it is not clear from that aspect what actually happened.
Question: Had you completed the punt and did you owe 'the R600' i.e. 'the money' which you had not yet paid? Or perhaps seemingly or by your apparent intention did not intend to pay. And the R600 that you say you parted with (reluctantly?) - was this for the actual service?
Or - had you paid and was this an extra ransom on your keys levied by some crazy laughing practical jokers?
Or - had you arrived - decided to cancel and wanted to leave.
Just interested.
On 2017-06-11 11:53:50 Wild_Weasel said:
Pls name the girls if they advertise on this site, or mail Eddie who will make a decision on their further membership.