jgovender - Loth - recomendations
Loth - recomendations
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5 Feb 2009
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Posted: 2012-06-21 10:53:01

Hi Guys

Loth as lots of new girls.
Any new expierences or recomendations at the place

[deleted] - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2012-06-28 09:01:13

I've been to Loth many times over the years and over the last 18 months they have gone backwards in a big way.

Divine recieved such bad rap for thier towels, but Loth's towels are shocking to say the least. How can it be that difficult to provide decent towels? They don't cost a bomb, whats the problem? Was there just two days ago, the towels are threadbare, torn, so tiny they do not fit around a well rounded belly, showers are so shitty you count yourself extremely lucky to get in and out without either catching hyperthermia or scalding burns.

The selection and quality of ladies has dropped by any standards and the few that are there that are worth the visit are very difficult to get hold of.

Spent 45mins recieving such a forgetable massage that I don't even remember her name, easily one of the worst massages in over 10yrs of sensual massages. Rushed, clinical and cold (figuratively and literally) and then I get asked afterwards, did you enjoy? Hell NO.

Thats definitely my last massage at Loth.
italianmuff - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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24 Nov 2011
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Posted: 2012-06-30 03:48:12

gazza... you are rigth.. unfortunately the old lady at the reception [ i think shes the owner] doesnt give a danm about the places service and its showing. like you say and its very true the towells there are PAST theyr pension date and any women worth anything there is always busy the showers are in a state of disrepair and the drains blocked. same happened to me the masseuse asked [did you enjoyed it] ?? my reply ... hell NO. wont be back there seems to me that all that the old lady wants is to coin it without any real worry about good clean service, i think we deserve it besides paying for it.
mansup - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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27 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2012-06-30 10:37:40

I used to go quite regularly, but stopped about a year ago as I found that the ladies were not to my liking, "different strokes for different folks". Even then I noticed that the place was going down a bit, however the house across the road was nice. Isabel is not the owner as far as I know, but that makes no difference. She doesn't take nonsence from her ladies, but does tend to shout too much, which is embarrassing for the lady and client. However, she is quite generous in that if they "mess up", double booking as an example, she made it up with a "freebee". However, in all fareness, having not been there for a long time, I can't comment on the ladies that are now there. Maybe I should go visit again sometime, look forward to any further comments with interest.
SeeConquerCome - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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26 May 2012
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Posted: 2012-06-30 11:02:40
Edited: 2012-06-30 11:04:29

@mansup .. I stopped going there as well - last visit was start of the year and agree that the main house was looking tatty, and don't get me started about the plumbing and hot water that one could just not get right. I simply did not take up a visit if it was the main house, the 2nd house is far better from a privacy and facilities perspective. I also griped a number of times to them about their dated website so good to see that the ladies are finally advertising on ESA.

I think that there are still some good ladies there ... Notable for me is Natasha.

The venue is quite convenient if one works in Sandton and very close to the highway, and still reasonably priced. So, they just need to give the main house an "extreme makeover" and introduce some newer and younger ladies.
mansup - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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27 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2012-06-30 11:32:24

SeeConquerCome, let's hope they read the comments as it was a nice place to visit and I'm sure will be again in the future.
Stem - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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14 May 2002
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Posted: 2012-06-30 18:35:57

What place across the road? Part of Loth?
mansup - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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27 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2012-07-01 12:26:35

Yes, they have a house that they also use, nice private venue. The last time I visited was R50 more, but don't know what their rates are now. It is not opposite their main entrance, it's behind where they are. But give them a call.
Stem - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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14 May 2002
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Posted: 2012-07-01 21:28:51

So what... just ask for 'the other house'? Also massage only?
Waise - Re: Loth - recomendations
Re: Loth - recomendations
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23 Dec 2010
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Posted: 2012-07-01 21:55:08

why Loth's phones are not working?


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