Andy9669 - Snugglers / Cuddlers
Snugglers / Cuddlers
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8 Aug 2013
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Posted: 2016-04-21 20:38:19

This may not be the most manly post and I accept in advance that there will be some who will feel the need to ridicule, but I'm fascinated by the professional snugglers in the US and UK.
These are people that are paid to spend an hour with you just cuddling, fully clothed.

Ok, fully clothed may not be ideal, but I'm sure there are other gents out there who would appreciate this kind of service as well?
Chmoks - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-04-21 22:55:05

Well, I'm not too easily surprised, but this takes the cake!
No, not at all, I'm totally with you!
I also am prepared to pay dear monies to a girl if she helps me fishing because I don't have any friends. She must have a knack for piloting the baitboat, she should be handy with baiting the hooks and know all the flavours, and if we use worms or intestines she shouldn't be squeamish or worse, vomit - yukk! Landing a fish should be second nature also in the dark, and gutting it next she must be able to do literally single handed whilst she pours me my next drink. Oh, she'll drive me back of course, I'm normally lucky if I can still walk after all the dop. Clothing-wise I expect her to have her own waders, mine will be way too big - I forgot, a small slender girl please.
Anybody out there?

Get a GF Andy...
oraljim - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2016-04-21 23:12:00

The fully clothed thing is a bit of a deal-breaker, as I like to caress when I cuddle. One of the reasons I love visiting Mandy so often is that she gives the best cuddles. I don't have a girlfriend and I am not interested in trying to change that but every now and then the desire for intimacy takes over and it's off to Menlyn for me.

And Chmoks, I have absolutely *NO* idea what your post was about!
happy1 - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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Posted: 2016-04-21 23:36:50

@Chmoks, surely she should have her own boat as well? ;)
oraljim - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2016-04-22 08:19:40

Another fantastic cuddler is Elianka in Waterkloof. Very sensual indeed and an absolutely lovely lady.
Chmoks - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-04-22 08:46:36


bru, I think I know where you are going with this - No, I will not consider you no matter what nice big flat-deck boat you have, not even when you say it has huge live-bait bins and a silent electric motor for sneaking through the waters! Mind, if SA waters had Tiger in them then maybe, but you also know that we're not blessed with this king, so.. NO!
Besides, I might get to like you hmm, ever considered that? If so I might suddenly end up with a friend, get a social life, go out, mingle.... and before you know it I might have a girl I would do everything thinkable with!
Hell no mate, and then the cuddling-for-dough legions would go unemployed? Worse, ESA would go into business rescue? Can't have that now can we?

Better read the FAQ of the cuddler brigade, I'll list some highlights for your convenience:
- fully dressed during full duration
- one must dress fully, no open skin may be visible
- if changing of clothing is required this must be done in private, for either
- no sex
- no kissing
- wearing of perfume/cologne prohibited for either
- if you touch inappropriate places she's entitled to leave immediately
- if you as much as hint (any form!) of "more" she's entitled to leave immediately
- etc etc
and don't forget you pay for all this, dearly even.

I rather go fishing then, hence my request above ;-)
oraljim - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2016-04-22 09:01:51

On 2016-04-22 08:46:36 Chmoks said:
Hell no mate, and then the cuddling-for-dough legions would go unemployed? Worse, ESA would go into business rescue? Can't have that now can we?

On the contrary - it could open up a whole new avenue of business for them. You could have "Girls", "Massage", "Specialist" and now a new category - "Cuddlers". Cuddlers could then advertise here. Of course with all the beautiful women out there that offer "GFE" - which basically means cuddling but naked and very likely the chance to go down south, the cuddlers would have (not so?) stiff competition, but still, it could provide ESA with a new opportunity.

It will be very interesting to see if this cuddlers thing takes on here in SA where there are less bunny-hugging hippies than there are in the USA and all those cudllers sounded like they just stepped off the Magical Mystery Tour bus! I hate hippies.
Chmoks - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-04-22 09:27:37

On 2016-04-22 09:01:51 oraljim said:
.. in the USA and all those cudllers sounded like they just stepped off the Magical Mystery Tour bus! I hate hippies.

Jimmy my man, I was seriously doubting you, but you save your foreskin with this bit. Mind, I DID read before I posted, for I could not believe what Andy posted - utterly ludicrous!!!

I'll tell you what: if I want a massage, or a screw in my tailormade Superman outfit, or a chat with a girl about my rare stampcollection, or when I want to play with my Lego-set in company of a butt-naked buxom transvestite, a GFE whilst listening to the Bolero at eardrum-bursting levels, or perhaps I want normal sex with all frills on the side, then.... I book a WG? They do it all, they've seen it all, worse, I've heard there's dudes who have MORE lego than I have!!!
Point is, add cuddling to your request-list, they won't lift an eyebrow.... no need to introduce a 'new' class of kink, as happy-clappy as it sounds!
Can't help wondering sometimes, are there any normal men left?
le roux
le roux - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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14 Sep 2006
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Posted: 2016-04-22 10:22:23

Andy, “may not be the most manly post.” I would not worry about that. We have all manner of what would be considered unmanly in stereotypical terms on this site; Dudes wanting she-males, dudes wanting strapons, dudes wanting to be dominated. It’s not unmanly its just what different people call fun.

Cuddling! That’s just part of a GFE experience. I am fairly certain that there are more than a few ladies that would offer that service on ESA. I would hazard a guess that there are some that do it regularly.

I like to try most things sexual at least once but if in a vanilla mood, when not being whipped to within an inch of my life by a butch strap on wielding lady of manly proportions, I am open to a good cuddle as well.

Ask and though shall receive. Ok you may have to ask a few times, “coz dats weird” but no weirder than some of the things I have been refused in the past.

Bbw Nadia, Arhwen, Devine could all snuggle / cuddle me to a state of blissful oblivion. I don’t know if they would agree but I would let them if they did!
oraljim - Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
Re: Snugglers / Cuddlers
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2016-04-22 11:12:20

On 2016-04-22 09:27:37 Chmoks said:
They do it all, they've seen it all, worse, I've heard there's dudes who have MORE lego than I have!!!

Dude! Lego is for sissies. You should see my Meccano collection :-D


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