[deleted] - Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Ladies my name is Arnold and I am the answer to your wildest dreams.
When you see me you will see I'm clearly a man of substance, character, and grace. I pride myself on my style, strikingly good looks, and obviously my hair. I do not have a problem meeting woman, because I'll bang anything that moves. There have been many days where I have awakened next to a snoring, sweaty, hippo. There have also been many days where I think that had I not taken that last shop of tequila, I wouldn't have a need to go to the free clinic. I have one minor physical problem that I am hoping you will overlook. I fart in my sleep, the last thing I need is for someone running out of the bedroom screaming at 3 am. It isn't fair to me or the neighbors. I'll hold it in all day for you ladies, but when the sandman comes, I start sand-blasting. You know you want me.
Like most woman, you are probably reeling over the intense animal passion that you are feeling for me right now, but relax, I don't bite or do I? I have to warn you that I am not looking for a deep relationship. If you talk a lot, I'm not your man. If you have a lot of body hair, keep on walking. If you weren't born a woman, I can deal with it, but you better hide it well. I don't think my mom would be too keen on me bringing home any more pre-op transvestites. I'm typically into women that are hotter, but for the time being, you'll do just fine.
Let me tell you what an evening with me is like. First, you will come over to my humble flat where I will pretend to be getting out of the shower. You can sit in my living/dining room and listen to my Billy Ocean record while sipping on the finest boxed wine. Once I am ready, I will show you my collection of commemorative plates, and we will head on down to the Quick shop pick up a few a bag of chips & 2l coke. We can then go back to my place and I can show you my bedroom, or as I like to refer it, "the place where the magic happens".
Drop me a line darling. You won't be disappointed.

Narcissus - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
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8 Sep 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Arnold, you classy dog, you. Just one suggestion: After the magic has happened, take her for a hamburger. Then you can say the evening started with a bang, and ended with a Wimpy ...
HotSexySally - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32


Arnold you are aware that this site is aimed at men that visit the ladies and not the ladies that advertise on here? You see Arnold very few of the ladies view the site to take you on your more than generous offer...

Arnold... next time your brain farts pls keep it to yourself!

Thank you
Kevin - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
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1 Dec 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Shame he is desperate Sally
[deleted] - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Sham people, don’t take this loser to seriously... he was obviously just using Sally's forum as a satirical show-board of his supposed “wit”.
Well done Arnold, you succeeded in making some people take notice of your dim-witted ramblings; 4 out of 10 for execution, 6 out of 10 for getting some people to take you seriously, and 0 out of ten for style, you ingrate.
Nusquam est subter supter bardus.
[deleted] - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Without a doubt Mulligan with your Latin quotes you think you should be the authority on wit and intellect. Arnold has stolen your thunder and your ego has been brushed. In many ways I see Arnold as a reflection of you. Let’s face it, you perceive yourself as a man of substance and style. And you think you don’t have a problem meeting woman yet you prefer working girls. That fact that you bang working girls means that you will bang anything that moves even if it’s a sweaty snoring hippo, or you need to make a trip to the clinic every no and again it doesn’t matter as long as you are getting your end away. I’m sure you have some disgusting habits – maybe not farting in bed but I’m sure shoving your cock up a girl’s ass or being pissed is your idea of fun. That’s just down right disgusting. I’m also sure you think your idea of a evening out is up top there with the best of them yet the ladies you entertain couldn’t give a @!#$ as long as you pay them.

For you Sally… Seen as many of the ladies are now in the chat room as your other topic says and the fact that many of the girls seem to be responding to the comments I’d say you have a fair number of ladies viewing this site. And Arnolds offer is aimed at these ladies who want to leave business alone and have their wildest dreams answered. I guess he’d be willing to bang you unless of course you are hairy and talk too much.

Kevin… I think you may be the desperate one or you fit into the same category as Mulligan

Narcissus… I think that the best advice you could have given Arnold without a doubt he doesn’t mind ending with a wimpy seen as he going to be sand-blasting.
[deleted] - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

What a strange young lady... altough, knowing the internet in its all its Grandeur, this is probably some, fat, ugly old man sitting, in his shorts at home willing to put in their two cents.
In fact, the alternative is far more scary, a fat, ugly WOMAN sitting at home doing the same. Indeed, we visit these ladies Nancy, however be careful of the assumptions you make as to why we see them, and never assume to know our tastes.
On reviewing your comments, and your blatant disregard for the fact that Arnold is taking the piss, I will take a page out of your book and ASSUME that you either ARE Arnold, or have some afilliation with this miscreant, I was under the impression that comments like his were uncouth to ladies. Perhaps, given her sympathy for the man, Nancy would enjoy the company of this wretched individual.
Narcissus - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
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8 Sep 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Copulare eam, non joculare est ...
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
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19 Dec 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Si senor der dago, forte lores sinarro.
Demaint lores, demare trux
Fulla hensen geesen dux.

katie - Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
Re: Your looking at a free lunch ladies
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16 Nov 2005
Posts to Date: 14
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:32

Sweetie would love a free lunch but is it absolutly free as in I don't have to pay you back in kind


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