Hi Garry and CT24
We've changed the security key to be much more readable.
Unfortunately we cannot drop it completely. The reason for this is: it is very easy to write a completely automated program to do the following:
Log in with username aaaaaaa, password aaaaaa
Log in with username aaaaaaa, password aaaaab
Log in with username aaaaaaa, password aaaaac
Log in with username aaaaaaa, password aaaaad
etc etc
Log in with username aaaaaaa, password zzzzzz
And then it just keeps going and going until they have tried every single username and password combination, a through to z, 1 to 9. The worst part is that someone doesn't even need any programming skills, as these tools can be immediately downloaded from the internet (http://>
As you can imagine, it literally takes billions and billions of retries to finally get a password, but this doesn't deter hackers (or even newbie script kiddies). Keep in mind that the average income household in the US has access to fast unlimited broadband access. They will just let one of their computers sit in the background, eating up server bandwidth for weeks until they finally get that gold member password. Their motive: nothing more than bragging to their friends 'that they managed to hack an adult site'.
So we put in the security key, and made it in such a way that only humans can read it, and not automated scripts. The advantage to you is that the site will always be fast as 'script kiddies' won't try to run their scripts against the server. With the security key in place their scripts are basically useless.
We do apologise for any inconvenience this might cause, but when we reprogrammed this site again, we decided that we are going to implement a system for each and every problem we've had in the past. It is at the end of the day important for us to give each visitor fast access. Nothing is more irratating than sitting and waiting for slow websites.
We hope this clears things up a bit, and we hope that the new security key is a bit easier to use.